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2017 - 2018
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Student guide 2017 - 2018 (ord. D.M. 270/04)
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Location: Torino - Class: DESIGN (LM-12)
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Interruption, suspension and reactivation of studies
Career interruption

Interruption of studies occurs when you do  not enrol in the next academic year.

When you interrupt your studies for 4 years or for  less than 4 years, you can go to the Office of the University Registrar (at Cittadella Politecnica, on the ground floor ) in order to resume your career. In order to do that, you will have to pay normal tuition fees for the current year and settle any outstanding debts from your last year of enrolment. On top of this,  you will have to pay an additional fee for each year in which you have not been enrolled, as prescribed annually by the Tuition Fee Guide 2017/2018. You must request the regularization of your academic career within the deadlines foreseen for the desired type of enrolment, and in any case not later than 19th December 2017.  

Career Reactivation

When you interrupt your studies for  more than 4 years, or when you do not take any exam for 4 years while being enrolled at Politecnico,   your academic career needs to be evaluated by the Programme academic coordinator (referente cds) before it can be reactivated.   This rule also applies to students who have forfeited in previous years.   If this is your case, you must submit your  Career reactivation application form to the Office of the University Registrar (at Cittadella Politecnica, on the ground floor) by 29th  September 2017.  You also have pay a fee (the amount of money to be paid is illustrated in the Tuition Fee Guide 2017/18.) This fee will be deducted from your tuition fees in case of subsequent enrolment; otherwise, if you decide not to enrol, this fee will not be refunded under any circumstances.  
The Office of the University Registrar will contact you in order to let you know the results of the evaluation of your previous academic records. At this stage you will have to prepare your Personal Study Plan/Annual Personal Study Plan and pay your tuition fees for a.y. 2017/28 plus an additional fee for each year in which you have not been enrolled.