You can acquire free credits with the following
training activities:
Important notice for all courses which are allocated to students on the
basis of a merit ranking list
You have to choose your courses within the following deadlines:
Design Unit 3: from 25
th July to
th September 2017 (merit ranking list)
Specializing Workshops: the time frame for the choice
of the Specializing workshops will be published as soon as the course catalogue
becomes available.
How courses (with merit ranking list) are allocated to
After the deadline for
course choice, Politecnico counts the number of students who have registered
for each course with a generic code and tries to balance the number of students
assigned to each course of the same type. This operation is carried out taking
into account the merit ranking list and the preferences expressed by the
It might happen that several students with the same position on the
ranking list choose the same Optional course, but places are not sufficient to
satisfy all requests. In this case the course will be offered to those students
who have the highest number of exams passed with honours; subsequently,
remaining places will be randomly allocated by a computerized draw.
First-semester courses are alloacted to students on the basis of a merit
ranking list which is calculated taking into account the exams that every
student has passed within the July 2017 examination session.
Second-semester courses are allocated to students on the basis of a
merit ranking list which is calculated taking into account the exams that every
student has passed within the September 2017 examination session.
If you are participating in an
mobility project, you do not need to express your preferences for the
courses which are offered while you are aboard.
If you are participating in an
mobility project (double degree / Erasmus + / bilateral agreement) you do
not need to express any preferences. You will choose your workshops and
ateliers during the meeting with your Academic Advisors which will take place
every semester before the beginning of classes. Free choice courses (workshops,
ateliers) will be allocated to students by the Mobility Office-Incoming on the basis
of available places and after consultation with the Academic Advisors.
The merit ranking list is calculated as follows:
(overall weighted average of the Bachelor’s degree *
180) + [(V1 * CFU1) + (V2 * CFU2) + (Vn + CFUn)]
6 + Master Course number of semesters
The Master Course number of
semesters is calculated starting from the first enrolment. The score is calculated taking into account only those exams that were
recognized and validated by Politecnico di Torino.
How to indicate your order of
Course allocation on the basis of merit
You can indicate your order of preference only
if you had previously included the names and the generic codes of the courses during
the preparation of your APSP. The names and the generic codes are available in
the curriculum of your Bachelor’s degree programme on the Teaching Portal.
Log into your personal page of the Teaching Portal, go to
ON-LINE, then select
ACCEDI/ACCESS and click on
Upon completion of your PSP/APSP, you will be redirected to a new page.
From this page you can express your preferences only for the courses which have
a generic code in your APSP.
You can set the order of preference using the arrows or dragging and
dropping the courses, as illustrated in picture no.1:
You can repeat this operation until the deadline for the preparation of the Annual Personal Study Plan.
Update of the 4th of december 2017:When indicate the preferences order of Specializing workshopsfrom the 4th of december to the 18th of december 2017 until 11,59 PM (merit-based course allocation)
Choice of courses with residual seats (after merit-based course allocation)If, for any reason, you haven’t chosen your Specializing Workshops before the deadline, you will be offered the
possibility to choose a single preference among the
courses with residual
Log into your personal page
of the Teaching Portal, go to “
SEGRETERIA ON-LINE”, then select “
from the box named “
/APSP”. The system will show the list of courses with residual seats, as
illustrated in picture no.2
In this phase you should pay careful
attention to the course you are selecting. In fact, once you confirm your choice, it cannot
be modified.
SPECIALIZING WORKSHOPS (allocation on the basis of
Specializing Workshops for the
Master’s degree programmes of the Collegio of Architecture, Design, Urban
Studies and Planning are allocated to students on the basis of thier academic
achievement, taking into account the preference order expressed by every
student and the number of places available for each workshop.
We remind you that it will be
possible to choose the Specializing Workshops before the beginning of the second
semester. You will be able to indicate
your order of preference only if you had previously included the names and the
generic codes of the courses during the preparation of your APSP which must
take place before the deadline illustrated in the academic calendar.
You will be allowed to express your preferences
only if you had previously inserted in
your APSP the following generic code:
– Workshop.
If you are enrolled in any Master’s degree programme of the Collegio di
Architettura, or if you are a student of the Bachelor’s degree programme
in Architettura and in Architettura/Architecture, and if you anticipate
first-semester courses, you can get 3 free choice credits attending one of the
Introductory Workshop offered by Politecnico.
The Introductory Workshops
take place from 2nd to 7th October 2017.
If you want to attend these Introductory Workshops, you have to insert
in your APSP the generic code that you will find on the Teaching Portal –
Course catalogue - Curriculum.
Please note that Introductory Workshops are capped at limited number of
places. Therefore, once the maximum number of places has been reached, you will
be to choose only among those workshops that still have residual seats.
When to choose your Introductory Workshops
From 10.00 a.m. of 27
September to 23:59 of 28
th September 2017.
How to choose your Introductory
From the home page of the Teaching Portal, choose “MAIN” or “LA MIA DIDATTICA”
tab. You will see the picture illustrated here below.
In order to make your choice, log into your
personal page of the Teaching Portal and select the desired Workshop.
Please find here below some explanatory screen shots:
You need to click on the desired Workshop from
the home page of the Teaching Portal (tab “MAIN” or “SEGRETERIA ON –LINE”)

Please note that Introductory Workshops will not be allocated to
students on the basis of their academic achievement. Therefore you should pay
careful attention to your selection. In fact, once you confirm your choice, it
cannot be modified.
Once the maximum number of available places for each workshop has been
reached, you will be to choose only among those workshops that still have
residual seats. If all workshops are full, you will not be able to make any choice.
If you had correctly inserted the workshop code in your Annual Personal
Study Plan, but you were unable to choose it because the workshop is full, you
will be able to modify the code and substitute it with other activities
available in the Curriculum. For this operation, you need to go to the Office
of Student Services located at the Castello del Valentino
The historical research essay is not allocated to students on the basis
of a merit ranking list. When you prepare your Annual Personal Study Plan, you
need to insert the name and code of the research essay, available on the
Teaching Portal (Offerta formativa – piano degli studi /Course
catalogue – Curriculum).
DESIGN UNIT 3 - (merit-based allocation (reserved to students who have already passed two
compulsory design units)
When you insert in your APSP the Design Unit 3 (worth 14 credits), you
can choose 6 credits belonging to your major and 8 free choice credits.
The Design Unit 3 can be chosen among the Design Units worth 14 credits
offered in the first semester. The Design Unit 3 is allocated on the basis of the order of
preference expressed by every student and of the number of available places.
There are …… student places for every Design Unit 3.
If the number of students interested in the same Design Unit is greater
than the number of available places, allocations will be made on the basis of students’ academic achievement and preferences.
If you are interested in attending a Design Unit 3 (14 credits), on top
of the other two which you have already attended, you need to insert in your APSP
the following code:
01OXBPQ - Terza unità
di progetto.
The calculation of the merit score is based on the exams passed within
July 2017 examination session.
When to express your order of preference for Design Unit 3
From 25
th July to 29
th September 2017 (merit
ranking list)