2nd level Specializing Master in
Design for Arts and Cultural Innovation
HomeCourse CatalogOfferingSp. Master2nd level Specializing Master in Design for Arts and Cultural Innovation (2016 - 2017)
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Documentation required
Summary of the compulsory documents that must be attached to the online application form, exclusively in English language (or Italian), by all applicants who have graduated from Italian Universities:

  • passport (just the page with personal data). EU citizens can attach any other ID document
  • Curriculum Vitae, europass format (with the statement: I hereby authorize the handling of personal information in accordance with Legislative Decree 1996/2003)
  • Self declaration ("dichiarazione sostitutiva di certificazione" ai sensi dell'art. 46 DPR 28 dicembre 2000, n. 445) of both Bachelor and MSc degrees with the complete list of exams and corresponding results.
  • application request of admission that you can download here.
  • English language certificate: as shown here. Candidates who have a Master of Science obtained from a University where English is the language of instruction do not need to submit these certificates. In this case candidates musr submit a  document stating that "the educational program is offered in English". This document should be attached to the self declaration of the previous University degrees (both Bachelor and/or Master of Science). Candidates coming from English speaking countries do not need to submit these certificates.
  • Portfolio (pdf format)
  • Motivation letter (please see the template)
Summary of the compulsory documents that must be attached to the online application form, exclusively in English language (or Italian), by all applicants who have graduated from non-Italian Universities:

  • passport (just the page with personal data in English). EU citizens can attach any other ID document
  • Curriculum Vitae, europass format (with the statement: I hereby authorize the handling of personal information in accordance with Legislative Decree 1996/2003)
  • official transcripts with the official stamp of the University attended of the degree(s), including the list of the exams and corresponding results of each academic career. Candidates who have a Bachelor's degree or a Master of Science taken at an European University can attach the Diploma Supplement.
  • application request of admission that you can download here.
  • English language certificate: as shown here. Candidates who have a Master of Science taken at a University where English is the curricular language of the course do not need to submit these certificates. In this case the statement "the educational program is offered in English" should be attached to the transcripts of records of the previous University degrees (both Bachelor's and/or Master of Science). Candidates who came from English speaking countries do not need to submit these certificates.
  • Portfolio (pdf format)
  • Motivation letter (please see the template)

IMPORTANT FOR ALL CANDIDATES: attaching the above indicated documents is mandatory even if the related application form fields are not marked with " * " (which means "mandatory") on web site "Apply" procedure ("Attachments section").   
We emphasise that the data contained in the attached documents must coincide with those entered in the online application form.
Please note: Failure to attach even one of the above mandatory documents will result in excluding your application from the selection process.

Once you have submitted your application form it is possible to print an applicaton submission receipt.