One of the duties of a
truly evolved society is that of providing young people with training
opportunities which foster knowledge and sense of responsibility of the
common good as the founding values of their actions. In order to promote awareness of an ecological and sustainable thought, it is
necessary to offer tools that may be used in the development of new
professional roles, linked to the ability to plan culture through the ethical
and knowledgeable use of the Information Technology and the New Media, as well
as an awareness of the mechanisms and devices that regulate a highly developed
work market.
Turin can be considered a
workshop city with a European vocation for training. This offers the opportunity to create a network of
institutions with specific and diversified skills, such as the DAD - Architecture and Design Department of
Politecnico di Torino and the Fondazione Torino Musei. This enhances the interesting material and immaterial cultural heritage of our territory (architecture, design, the visual
arts, web, the Internet of Things…), which thus becomes an opportunity for study, research and training.
The Specializing Master programme is built on a careful analysis of the cultural and
entrepreneurial features of our territory, and on the need to train
multidisciplinary professionals who, together with a solid background in Humanities, also have the necessary skills to use new technologies. They will also be able to
develop projects for new models of entrepreneurship and cultural production,
such as:
- design
for arts
- the
design of products and services for the art system (museums, galleries, fairs
- the
design of innovative spaces for exhibitions and other events in the art and
design field with the objective to involve a new public
- the
design of installations with/for the artists
- art
and digital products
- cultural
- products
and services for the fruition of material and immaterial cultural heritage
(architecture, landscapes, artefacts, archive documents…);
- the
investigation of the economic value - and not only - of works of art and design (assessment tools);
- critical
writing in art, architecture and design with a view to the dissemination of cultural contents.
The Specializing Master programme offers a complete and well-structured training course which enables participants
to address the strategic and project-based aspects of creativity, especially in the fields of art and
design. This course aims to train
cultural "mediators" who work in the fields of
architecture, art system (artists, curators, gallerists, journalists,
and the general public.
Students who pass all the exams and successfully complete their internship, will obtain the Specializing Master diploma at the end of the course. Students who have successfully passed a limited number of exams can only request a certificate of attendance.
Note: the Specializing Master programme will be activated provided that the required number of participants is achieved before the expected start date of the course.