2nd level Specializing Master's Programme in
Digitalization and Autonomous Commercial Vehicles for a Carbon-Free Logistics (2022-2023)
Enrolment and participation fee
The candidates who have been admitted to the programme will have to enrol at Politecnico di Torino before the starting date of the 2nd Level Specializing Master’s programme.  
Further information about enrolment will follow by e-mail.
In accordance with current legislation you are not allowed to be simultaneously enrolled in another Specializing Master’s Programme nor in any other university programme. If you are enrolled in another programme, you must finish your studies or suspend them before enrolling in the 1st or 2nd level Specializing Master’s Programmes in Digitalization and Autonomous Commercial Vehicles for a Carbon-Free Logistics, except for any subsequent amendments and regulatory additions to the regulations in force.
The participation in the 2nd level Specializing Master’s programme is free of charge for admitted students, as provided for by the regional call “Apprendistato di Alta Formazione e di Ricerca Avviso Pubblico 2022 - 2024 per l’individuazione e la gestione dell’offerta formativa pubblica ai sensi della Deliberazione della Giunta regionale n. 4 - 4372 del 22/12/2021 Approvato con Deliberazione n. 114 del 3 marzo 2022". 
Students admitted still have to pay for each academic year  € 21,00[1] detailed as follow:
  1. Premium for accident insurance: € 5,00
  2. Enrolment revenue stamp: € 16,00
The issue of the diploma of the 2nd level Specializing Master’s programme in Digitalization and Autonomous Commercial Vehicles for a Carbon-Free Logistics requires the payment of a revenue stamp.
[1]The insurance premium may change due to new rules adopted by Edisu and to the stipulation of an insurance contract