The Selection's Commettee has evaluated all the applications received. The following tab contains the list of candidates admitted to the 2nd level Specializing Master's programme in "Electrified, cooperative and automated construction machines for climate neutral fleets" (2022/2023):
F322712 | 93,00 | Admitted |
F493728 | 93,00 | Admitted |
F493758 | 90,00 | Admitted |
F433254 | 88,00 | Admitted |
F488996 | 88,00 | Admitted |
F426164 | 88,00 | Admitted |
F493465 | 88,50 | Admitted |
F493515 | 87,00 | Admitted |
F360230 | 87,00 | Admitted |
F493496 | 86,00 | Admitted |
F483997 | 83,00 | Admitted** |
F493469 | 83,00 | Admitted |
F493335 | 83,00 | Admitted |
F493470 | 81,00 | Admitted |
F493711 | 78,00 | Admitted |
*You can find your username on the "Main" or "Save and Submit/Riepilogo e Conferma" section of your Apply@polito personal page.
**Candidates who have not yet obtained the Master of Science's degree are provisonally accepted. In case they do not obtain the degree within the enrolment deadline and do not obtain a MSc’s final grade equal to or higher then 100/110 they will not be admitted to the programme.
If you decide to decline your offer of admission, you are invited to inform the Office of Specializing Master’s Programmes ( with an official notification. Further information concerning enrolment and document submission (please refer to Article 7 of the Call for application) will be sent by e-mail, after the aforementioned term, to all the applicant admitted to the Specializing Master’s Programme that will have confirmed their participation within the relevant deadline.
In case one or more candidates won't confirm their participation by November, 16th 2022 at 10 a.m. (Italian time) the position will be re-assigned to candidates on the reserve list according to their position. The candidates placed on the reserve list will be contacted only in case of renunciation of admitted candidates, and they will be given a deadline to confirm their participation.
F493230** | 72,50 |
F344938 | 72,00 |
F493753 | 71,00 |
F493604 | 70,50 |
F367741 | 70,00 |
F379654 | 69,50 |
F400789 | 69,00 |
F431063 | 68,00 |
F393699 | 66,00 |
F493311 | 65,00 |
*You can find your username on the "Main" or "Save and Submit/Riepilogo e Conferma" section of your Apply@polito personal page.
**Candidates who have not yet obtained the Master of Science's degree are provisonally accepted. In case they do not obtain the degree within the enrolment deadline and do not obtain a MSc’s final grade equal to or higher then 100/110 they will not be admitted to the programme.