Ricerca CERCA

Keyword: CONTROL

Control and non-linear energy dissipation devices in pipeline systems for chemical plants  CERAVOLO ROSARIO  MATTA EMILIANO  Centre of Autonomous and Cyber-Physical Systems, Cranfield University, UK  Earthquake Engineering & Dynamics lab  Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN XP-Resilience team  Responsible Risk Resilience interdepartmental Centre (R3C) www.r3c.polito.it
Control and non-linear energy dissipation devices in pipeline systems for chemical plants  CERAVOLO ROSARIO  MATTA EMILIANO  Centre of Autonomous and Cyber-Physical Systems, Cranfield University, UK  Earthquake Engineering & Dynamics lab  Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN XP-Resilience team  Responsible Risk Resilience interdepartmental Centre (R3C) www.r3c.polito.it
Artificial Intelligence Applications for Drones Navigation in GPS-Denied Environments  GUGLIERI GIORGIO  08- Dinamica, controllo e simulazione del volo
azienda TESI AZIENDA Control Law Design  GILI PIERO  15-Modellazione, simulazione e controllo di velivoli
Control of Game-Theoretic Dynamics in Population Games  RIZZO ALESSANDRO  ZINO LORENZO
esteroTESI ALL'ESTERO Control of freezing for amico acids (human growth hormone)  PISANO ROBERTO  MuSyChEn - Multiphase Systems and Chemical Engineering
Control of porosity in lyophilized chitosan-based scaffolds by Vacuum Induced Nucleation  PISANO ROBERTO  MuSyChEn - Multiphase Systems and Chemical Engineering
Control system for a ram air parachute for the guided reentry of space vehicles  MAURO STEFANO  PASTORELLI STEFANO PAOLO  14-Meccatronica e servosistemi
azienda TESI AZIENDA Control system for a telescope for early identification of asteroids in collision with Earth  MAURO STEFANO  14-Meccatronica e servosistemi
Data-based optimisation of arrays of wave energy conversion systems  FAEDO NICOLAS EZEQUIEL  14-Meccatronica e servosistemi
Design and construction of a demonstrator wave energy converter  FAEDO NICOLAS EZEQUIEL  MOREnergy Lab
azienda TESI AZIENDA Development of a light stratospheric platform for observation and telecommunications applications.  GUGLIERI GIORGIO  08- Dinamica, controllo e simulazione del volo
Development of artificial intelligence logic for the strategic management of multi-UAVs systems  GUGLIERI GIORGIO  08- Dinamica, controllo e simulazione del volo
Development of multidirectional Wave Energy Converter (WEC) controls  BRACCO GIOVANNI  14-Meccatronica e servosistemi
azienda TESI AZIENDA Drones For Autonomy (D4A) - Implementation of innovative drone robotics (see enclosed files) - In collaboration with Leonardo Labs @ Torino OGR.  GUGLIERI GIORGIO  PRIMATESTA STEFANO  08- Dinamica, controllo e simulazione del volo
Experimental tests and control of rotary motor actuated by Shape memory alloy (SMA)  MAFFIODO DANIELA  RAPARELLI TERENZIANO  04-Automazione e Robotica
Experimental tests and control of rotary motor actuated by Shape memory alloy (SMA)  MAFFIODO DANIELA  RAPARELLI TERENZIANO  04-Automazione e Robotica
azienda TESI AZIENDA Formation flight  GILI PIERO  15-Modellazione, simulazione e controllo di velivoli
Implementation of a simulation environment in ROS / Gazebo for Martian exploration  GUGLIERI GIORGIO  08- Dinamica, controllo e simulazione del volo
azienda TESI AZIENDA Integration of a hydraulic damper in a semi-active prosthetic leg  DE BENEDICTIS CARLO  FERRARESI CARLO  04-Automazione e Robotica
Marine Energy  BRACCO GIOVANNI  MATTIAZZO GIULIANA  14-Meccatronica e servosistemi
Mechatronic device for the application of controlled disturbances in the study of balance  DE BENEDICTIS CARLO  FERRARESI CARLO  MAFFIODO DANIELA  04-Automazione e Robotica
Microcontroller implementation of an automatic hand-held device for human-machine interaction purposes  DE BENEDICTIS CARLO  FERRARESI CARLO  FRANCO WALTER  MAFFIODO DANIELA  04-Automazione e Robotica
azienda TESI AZIENDA Mission planning tool for stratospheric platforms  RIZZO ALESSANDRO
Modeling, Design, and Prototyping of permanent magnet synchronous machines  CAVAGNINO ANDREA  FERRARIS LUCA  POSKOVIC EMIR  TENCONI ALBERTO  VASCHETTO SILVIO  PEEMD
New technical and operative solutions for the use of drones in Agriculture 4.0  GUGLIERI GIORGIO  08- Dinamica, controllo e simulazione del volo
azienda TESI AZIENDA Several theses available in COMAU  RIZZO ALESSANDRO
Steering and control of micro-swimmers: governing collective motion  MORANDOTTI MARCO  ZOPPELLO MARTA  Analisi non lineare e calcolo delle variazioni  Modelli e metodi della Fisica Matematica