Ricerca CERCA


Thermostructural analysis of an innovative anti-ice panel  FERRO CARLO GIOVANNI  MAGGIORE PAOLO  16-ASTRA: Additive manufacturing for Systems and sTRuctures in Aerospace
AI Techniques for the Optimisation of DBC Substrates for High Power Systems-in-Package (HPSiP)  BERTANA VALENTINA  FERRERO SERGIO  SCALTRITO LUCIANO  AA - Materials and Processes for Micro and Nano Technologies
AI Techniques for the Optimisation of Highly Integrated Power Modules  FERRERO SERGIO  SCALTRITO LUCIANO  AA - Materials and Processes for Micro and Nano Technologies
Birdstrike effects investigation an innovative anti-ice panel  FERRO CARLO GIOVANNI  MAGGIORE PAOLO  16-ASTRA: Additive manufacturing for Systems and sTRuctures in Aerospace
Calibration of a multi-strut model for the analysis of framed structures with masonry infills  DI TRAPANI FABIO
Calibration of a multi-strut model for the analysis of framed structures with masonry infills  DI TRAPANI FABIO
Development of a predictive model for determining the temperature reached in a molten metal delivery tube.  GOBBER FEDERICO SIMONE
Development of a predictive model for determining the temperature reached in a molten metal delivery tube.  GOBBER FEDERICO SIMONE
Experimental analysis of fatigue behaviou of materials for aerospace structures  DE PASQUALE GIORGIO  29- SMART STRUCTURES AND SYSTEMS
Explicit analysis of a ballistic protection panel  FERRO CARLO GIOVANNI  16-ASTRA: Additive manufacturing for Systems and sTRuctures in Aerospace
FEM numerical multiphysics simulation of lithium ion batteries for vehicles applications  SOMA' AURELIO  19- Progettazione e sperimentazione di sistemi e veicoli ferroviari ed industria
Finite element analysis of Tailor-Welded Blanks  DE MADDIS MANUELA  RUSSO SPENA PASQUALE  J - Tech Politecnico di Torino
Fluidic-structural numerical modeling for aeronautic components  DE PASQUALE GIORGIO  29- SMART STRUCTURES AND SYSTEMS
Fracture Mechanics - FEM numerical multiphysics simulation of lithium ion batteries  SOMA' AURELIO  19- Progettazione e sperimentazione di sistemi e veicoli ferroviari ed industria
Investigation of misalignment and non-axial forces effects in tensile tests: simulations and measurements  GENTA GIANFRANCO  GERMAK ALESSANDRO  GRUPPO FORZE - ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI RICERCA METROLOGICA (INRiM)
Modelling of seismic behaviour of masonry building aggregates  DI TRAPANI FABIO
Modelling of seismic behaviour of masonry building aggregates  DI TRAPANI FABIO
Nonlinear forced response in ANSYS by harmonic balance method  ZUCCA STEFANO  11 - LAQ AerMec per componenti di turbine e compressori
Numerical analysis and design of a connection system based on elastomeric material: artificial islands case study  MATTIAZZO GIULIANA  SIRIGU SERGEJ ANTONELLO  MORE Lab _ http://www.morenergylab.polito.it
Numerical fatigue analysis of an AM liquid rocket engine thrust chamber with an innovative metal matrix composite material  DELPRETE CRISTIANA  SESANA RAFFAELLA
Numerical modeling and design of a connection system for modular floating platforms  SIRIGU SERGEJ ANTONELLO  14-Meccatronica e servosistemi  MORE Lab _ http://www.morenergylab.polito.it
Simulation of lightweight structures based on implicit modeling for aerospace applications  DE PASQUALE GIORGIO  29- SMART STRUCTURES AND SYSTEMS
Structural analysis through printed technopolymers for mechanics and aerospace  DE PASQUALE GIORGIO  29- SMART STRUCTURES AND SYSTEMS
Theoretical and experimental study of materials for aerospace applications  DE PASQUALE GIORGIO  29- SMART STRUCTURES AND SYSTEMS
dynamic substructuring of cyclically symmetric bladed disks  ZUCCA STEFANO  11 - LAQ AerMec per componenti di turbine e compressori