Ricerca CERCA

Keyword: FUEL CELL

azienda TESI AZIENDA Development of hydrogen fuel cell membranes and electrolysers for hydrogen production  BOCCHINI SERGIO  MPMNT - MATERIALS AND PROCESSES FOR MICRO & NANO TECHNOLOGIES
Design and synthesis of hierarchically porous N-doped carbon supports for oxygen reduction reaction catalysts for hydrogen fuel cell application  ZENG JUQIN  Prof. Fabrizio Pirri
Design and synthesis of metal-N-C catalysts for electrochemical reduction of O2 and CO2  ZENG JUQIN  Prof. Fabrizio Pirri
Development and testing of low-temperature fuel cell electrodes (PEMFC) with next-generation ionomers  MONTEVERDE ALESSANDRO HUGO ANTONIO  CREST, Dipartimento di Scienza Applicata e Tecnologia (DISAT), Politecnico di To
Development and testing of low-temperature fuel cell electrodes (PEMFC) with next-generation ionomers  MONTEVERDE ALESSANDRO HUGO ANTONIO  CREST, Dipartimento di Scienza Applicata e Tecnologia (DISAT), Politecnico di To
Energy storage solutions and optimization for electric vehicles  BONFANTI MAURO  14-Meccatronica e servosistemi
Experimental design/Machine learning methods in the energy field  BELLA FEDERICO  PUGLIESE DIEGO  Electrochemistry Group @PoliTO
Innovative FCEV powertrain based on the eCVT concept  CARELLO MASSIMILIANA  DE CARVALHO PINHEIRO HENRIQUE  27- Veicoli innovativi elettrici e ibridi
LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) analysis for cogeneration systems with SOFC technology for applications in commercial buildings  BLENGINI GIOVANNI ANDREA  GANDIGLIO MARTA  SANTARELLI MASSIMO  steps-denerg
MPC control of a FCEV in a real-world traffic scenario  DE CARVALHO PINHEIRO HENRIQUE  27- Veicoli innovativi elettrici e ibridi
Modeling and analysis of hybrid powertrain layouts for passengers and public transport vehicles  BONFITTO ANGELO  17 - Progettazione di macchine rotanti e sistemi meccatronici  Centro Interdipartimentale CARS
Modelling and dimensioning of a fuel cell propulsion for an innovative zero-emission boat  BONFANTI MAURO  MAURO STEFANO  14-Meccatronica e servosistemi
Modelling of a hybrid propulsion system based on SOFC (Solid Oxide Fuel Cell) e ICE (Internal Combustion Engine).  GANDIGLIO MARTA  MAROCCO PAOLO
Optimization of the Fabrication Process for Electrodes and Membranes in Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers  MONTEVERDE ALESSANDRO HUGO ANTONIO  CREST, Dipartimento di Scienza Applicata e Tecnologia (DISAT), Politecnico di To
azienda TESI AZIENDA Sizing of a battery supported fuel cell system (FCS) electric powertrain architecture, with respect to the hybridization factor, for aereonautic application  MONTEVERDE ALESSANDRO HUGO ANTONIO  CREST, Dipartimento di Scienza Applicata e Tecnologia (DISAT), Politecnico di To
esteroTESI ALL'ESTERO Techno-economic analysis of fuel cell generators running on biogas from agro-waste  LANZINI ANDREA  steps-denerg