Ricerca CERCA


Analysis of storage systems coupled to small scale hydropower  REPETTO MAURIZIO  SSD Ing-Ind/31 Elettrotecnica
Analysis of the Italian guidelines for the maintenance of existing tunnels - evaluation of the key parameters for the determination of the attention category  PEILA DANIELE
Application of "Matheuristics" (model-based heuristics) to the optimization of energy systems  REPETTO MAURIZIO  SSD Ing-Ind/31 Elettrotecnica
azienda TESI AZIENDA Application of machine learning techniques to aerodynamic optimization of missile configurations  BERRONE STEFANO  Analisi numerica e calcolo scientifico
Computer tools for the design of Renewable Energy Communities  LAZZERONI PAOLO  REPETTO MAURIZIO  CADEMA
Control of Game-Theoretic Dynamics in Population Games  RIZZO ALESSANDRO  ZINO LORENZO
Decarbonisation of regional energy systems: assessing future scenarios through Calliope modleling framework  LANZINI ANDREA  Energy Center Lab  M3ES
Design of induction heating for coffee roasting machines  CANOVA ALDO  REPETTO MAURIZIO  SOLIMENE LUIGI  CADEMA
Design optimization of an electromechanical actuator for primary flight controls  BATTIPEDE MANUELA  15-Modellazione, simulazione e controllo di velivoli
Development of a tool for the optimization of Spiking Neural Networks (SNN) for the development of dedicated hardware accelerators on FPGA platform to apply in IoT and edge-computing environments.  DI CARLO STEFANO  SAVINO ALESSANDRO  DAUIN - GR-24 - SMILIES - reSilient coMputer archItectures and LIfE Sci
azienda TESI AZIENDA Geometric optimization of aerospace gear  CURA' FRANCESCA MARIA  ROSSO CARLO  Progettazione e sperimentazione di organi di trasmissione, termografia e materia
esteroTESI ALL'ESTERO Impact of performance degradation on the optimal design of hydrogen systems  GANDIGLIO MARTA  MAROCCO PAOLO  SANTARELLI MASSIMO
Incentivizing innovation diffusion in social systems  RIZZO ALESSANDRO  ZINO LORENZO  Automatica
Life Cycle Assessment for Electrical Machines  POSKOVIC EMIR  TENCONI ALBERTO  VASCHETTO SILVIO  PEEMD
Long-term energy planning of hydrogen infrastructure in Italy  LANZINI ANDREA  Energy Center Lab  steps-denerg
azienda TESI AZIENDA Modellazione numerica di problemi di frattura indotta da azioni termo-meccaniche  CORRADO MAURO
Models and scenarios for energy transition with the open-source platform OSeMOSYS  LANZINI ANDREA  Energy Center Lab
Multi-agent algorithms for optimisation in Machine Learning  TOSIN ANDREA  Metodi e modelli matematici per sistemi complessi
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for orbital maneuver in Lunar Orbits  NOVARA CARLO  PAGONE MICHELE
Optimal control logics for energy communities with a high penetration of renewable sources  CIOCIA ALESSANDRO  SPERTINO FILIPPO  SOLAR
Optimal logic for reactive power injection or absorption in HV grid for TSO: case study of a wind farm  CIOCIA ALESSANDRO  SOLAR
Optimal sizing of Renewable Energy Communities: methodologies, tools and case-studies  REPETTO MAURIZIO  CADEMA
Optimization and robustness of network centrality  COMO GIACOMO  FAGNANI FABIO  Analisi e controllo di sistemi dinamici
azienda TESI AZIENDA Optimization of a dynamic hole puncher for paper finishing machine  MAFFIODO DANIELA  SESANA RAFFAELLA
Optimization of a hardware accelerator for Spiking Neural Networks for low power applications at the edge.  DI CARLO STEFANO  SAVINO ALESSANDRO  DAUIN - GR-24 - SMILIES - reSilient coMputer archItectures and LIfE Sci
Optimization of pumping load profiles in water management consortia  REPETTO MAURIZIO  SSD Ing-Ind/31 Elettrotecnica
azienda TESI AZIENDA Optimization of the path of a vehicle for the transportation of materials in an industrial plant using artificial intelligence algorithms  JAHIER PAGLIARI DANIELE  DAUIN - GR-06 - ELECTRONIC DESIGN AUTOMATION - EDA  ELECTRONIC DESIGN AUTOMATION - EDA  GR-06 - ELECTRONIC DESIGN AUTOMATION - EDA
azienda TESI AZIENDA Optimization of the path of an autonomous vehicle for the transportation of materials in an industrial plant using artificial intelligence algorithms  JAHIER PAGLIARI DANIELE  DAUIN - GR-06 - ELECTRONIC DESIGN AUTOMATION - EDA  ELECTRONIC DESIGN AUTOMATION - EDA  GR-06 - ELECTRONIC DESIGN AUTOMATION - EDA
Optimizing batch normalization for small to medium batch sizes  LAMBERTI FABRIZIO  MORRA LIA  DAUIN - GR-09 - GRAphics and INtelligent Systems - GRAINS
Ottimizzazione di componenti strutturali di una macchina da rettifica  MURA ANDREA  18-Progettazione e sperimentazione di organi di trasmissione
Ottimizzazione e Implementazione del Nuovo Sistema Gestionale di Produzione presso FERMEC srl e MECFER srl: Un'Analisi Integrata del Processo di Produzione dalla Materia Prima alla Spedizione al Clien  FONTANA ROBERTO  MASTROGIACOMO LUCA  Ingegneria della qualità
azienda TESI AZIENDA Ottimizzazione ed automazione dei processi di stampa 3D delle repliche anatomiche patient-specific  BALESTRA GABRIELLA  Biolab: Ingegneria Biomedica
Ottimizzazione, dal punto di vista del comportamento meccanico e della conduzione del calore, di profilati metallici piegati a freddo ed alleggeriti  VALENTE SILVIO
Retrofitting optimization for existing masonry / reinforced concrete buildings by means of artificial intelligene algorithms  DI TRAPANI FABIO
Simulation and optimization of complex energy components and systems  REPETTO MAURIZIO  SSD Ing-Ind/31 Elettrotecnica
Steering and control of micro-swimmers: governing collective motion  MORANDOTTI MARCO  ZOPPELLO MARTA  Analisi non lineare e calcolo delle variazioni  Modelli e metodi della Fisica Matematica
Technical and economical assessment of energy storage facilities inside distribution networks  REPETTO MAURIZIO  SSD Ing-Ind/31 Elettrotecnica
Two-component grout with low environmental impact - parametrical analysis of the mix design  PEILA DANIELE
Video coding optimization with dynamic optimizer  MASALA ENRICO  INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG
Video coding optimization with dynamic optimizer  MASALA ENRICO  DAUIN - GR-11 - INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG  GR-11 - INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG  INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG
azienda TESI AZIENDA study and optimization of a system for machines synchronization  MAFFIODO DANIELA  SESANA RAFFAELLA
azienda TESI AZIENDA study and optimization of a vision automatic system  MAFFIODO DANIELA  SESANA RAFFAELLA
azienda TESI AZIENDA study and optimization of an automatic machine for paper finishing  MAFFIODO DANIELA  SESANA RAFFAELLA