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2013 - 2014
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Student guide 2013 - 2014 (ord. D.M. 270/04)
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Bachelor in
Location: Torino - Class: INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING (L-9)
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ALMALAUREA: a national graduates database, managed by a group of Italian Universities and supported by MIUR. Its purpose is to connect graduates and companies and to be a benchmark for everyone dealing with studies, employment and youth matters at various levels.  
ALTA SCUOLA POLITECNICA (ASP): it connects MSc programmes of two institutions: Politecnico di Torino and Politecnico di Milano. Alta Scuola Politecnica (ASP) is a school for young talents with a passion for innovation, wishing to develop their potential in the fields of engineering, architecture and design, in a multidisciplinary community. 
ACADEMIC YEAR: a twelve months cycle of didactic work, which starts in October and ends in September of the following year. Every Academic Year is divided in didactic periods (semesters). 
APPLY@POLITO: an interactive service on ‘Portale della Didattica’, which allows students to enrol for a Master Degree Programme. 
CAREER ACT: every act available for students (enrolment, Plan of Study definition, exams, certificates).
SELF-CERTIFICATION: documents containing personal data which a student can produce by him/herself, in substitution of certificates released by Public Administrations. Please note that false declaration makes the student prosecutable (D.P.R 28/12/2000 n. 445).
BOX SELF-SERVICE: multimedia station to connect to on-line didactic services (self-certificates release, exam booking, career checking, institutional e-mail account).
ACADEMIC CALENDAR: list of classes dates, exam dates, final exam dissertation, general deadlines. 
LACK OF TRAINING AFTER FIRST YEAR: not all the needed credits have been achieved in order to make a career advancement. 
ENGLISH LANGUAGE DEFICENCY: lack of the compulsory English language certificate.
CARICO DIDATTICO/PLAN OF STUDY: all the subjects and relative exams, which the student wants to attend/pass during one Academic Year. 
On the year of first enrolment, carico didattico is settled by Politecnico (60 credits). The student is responsible for planning carico didattico the following years. The allowed credit number depends on full-time or part-time enrolment. 
CERTIFICATE: official document, containing personal data of the student or the graduate. 
CLA: Politecnico foreign languages centre. 
DEGREE CLASS AND MASTER DEGREE CLASS: study courses, whose names are decided independently by universities. The courses are divided into degree classes determined by MIUR. A degree class gathers courses with the same topics and goals. As each degree class identifies the type of degree achieved, it will be written on official certificates. 
WITHDRAWAL: requesting the transition to another University. 
DEGREE COURSE: Bachelor Degree. Its normal length is three years and it is considered “fist level degree”. The aim of BSc is to achieve proficiency in scientific matters. Admission requires an high school diploma.
MASTER DEGREE COURSE/LAUREA SPECIALISTICA: Master Degree/ Specialistica (D.M 509/99). Its normal length is two years and it is considered “second level degree”. The aim of MSc is to achieve high proficiency in key scientific matters. A MSc/Specialistica graduate is equivalent to a MSc/Magistrale one. 
MASTER DEGREE COURSE/LAUREA MAGISTRALE: Master Degree/ Specialistica (D.M 270/04). Its normal length is two years and it is considered “second level degree”. The aim of MSc is to achieve high proficiency in key scientific matters. 
MASTER CLASS: a course, lasting no more than one Academic Year, aimed at providing professional training in specific architecture or engineering fields. 
PAST EXAMS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: validation of exams passed in previous university careers.

POST-GRADUATE COURSE: the aim of this type of course is to give students training on specific topics, useful for pursuing a specific career. A degree is required for admission.
CREDIT (ECTS): measurement of workload, including teachings and individual studying for every course. Every credit is considered to be about 25 study hours. The student acquires credits when passing exams. Bachelor degree requires 180 credits, Master degree requires 120 credits. 
LACK OF TRAINING: additional test/work which a student must pursue when he/she is lacking some of the key knowledge needed to successfully attend a given course. 
PROXY: signed declaration authorizing a trusted person to operate instead of the interested party.
DIPLOMA SUPPLEMENT: a report which provides a description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies completed by its holder.
It facilitates the understanding and evaluation of new academic titles to employers and it eases the academic and professional recognition of Italian qualifications abroad and the free movement of international graduates. This certification conforms to an European model developed by European Commission, European Council and UNESCO – CEPES.
FINAL EXAM APPLICATION FORM: a form to be submitted to Registrar’s Office to enrol for final exam. Student must have passed every exam and paid all their debts in order to be admitted.
DOUBLE DEGREE:  study programme established between two universities through which the student can obtain a double degree title. 
PHD: a third level study course. It lasts three years, providing advanced and particular knowledge. A MSc Degree is required for the admission.
ECTS: a systematic way of describing an educational programme by attaching credits to its components. The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System is a student-centred system based on the student workload required to achieve the objectives of a programme, whose aims are preferably specified in terms of learning outcomes and competences to be acquired.
EDISU: Regional authority helping meritorious students to pursue their degree, even if in a difficult financial situation. EDISU offers support services to make simpler classes attendance and student life in general. Edisu’s goal is to limit inequalities in accessing studies. 
EXAM: written or oral test through which the student demonstrate the achievement of the educational objectives. By passing an exam, the student acquires credits and receives a score, expressed on a scale of 30. 
FINAL EXAM: final thesis dissertation (or for some courses just a proclamation without the dissertation). For Master degrees courses, the dissertation consists of creating an original thesis which must be written by the student under the supervision of a Professor (tutor).
LICENSE TO PRACTICE EXAM: a graduate can undertake this exam during summer or winter sessions to obtain license to practice for engineers and architects. MIUR (Ministry of Education, Research and University) establishes two exam sessions every year. 
FEE EXEMPTION: Total fee exemption can be granted after applying, or it can be automatically assigned because of special situations. Beneficiaries shall in any case pay some duties (i.e. insurance costs, SIAE copyrights fees, stamps). 
FACULTY: University departments divided for didactic areas. In Politecnico di Torino there used to be two faculties for Architecture and three for Engineering. Such faculties were merged in October 1, 2012, leaving one area for Architecture and one for Engineering.
CLASS ATTENDANCE: it is compulsory for DM 509/99 courses, except for distance courses/e-learning. The attendance acknowledgement is completed at the end of the didactic work. Such acknowledgment can expire, and it can compromise the result of an exam. For DM 270/04 courses, class attendance is not compulsory, and the exam can be taken until the last academic year in which the course is active. The student can try to pass an exam only if inserted his/her plan of study, and only after classes of the chosen subjects are ended. 
ENROLMENT: procedure for starting a university career as an undergraduate/postgraduate student
TEACHING: study subject for which classes are carried out. Also named course or module. 
ENROLLED STUDENT/ ISCRITTO: A student enrolled after the first year of study, not to be confused with “matricola” (first year student).
TRANSCRIPT: personal document where students can read information about their exams and relative grades. 
LLP/ERASMUS: European mobility program allowing students to spend a study period in another European university. 
MANIFESTO DEGLI STUDI: document containing information about the teachings of every study course: credits, activities, professors, calendar. 
MASTER’S PROGRAMME: advanced title, achievable after a first level or second level degree. The course include a minimum of 60 credits. 
STUDENT NUMBER: identification number assigned to every student during first enrolment. 
M.I.U.R.: Ministry of Education, University and Research.
EDUCATIONAL SYLLABUS:  study courses offered by an university.
SYSTEM ex DM 509/99: university career rules, into force after university reform D.M. 509 of 3/11/1999.
SYSTEM ex DM 270/04: university career rules, into force after university reform D.M. 270 of 22/10/2004.
OVERBOOKING: exceeding amount of exams on carico didattico/plan of study. 
DIDACTIC PERIOD: teaching period. It depends on the didactic area and it varies from a minimum of two to a maximum of four periods per year. 
POLI@HOME: pay per view e-learning services for students (exhibits, video-lessons, forum, chat, tutoring, individual support).
TEACHING PORTAL/PORTALE DELLA DIDATTICA: web area ( offering general information (manifesto degli studi, financial support) and some customized services, accessible by using username (s followed by student number) and password (self-service box key).
RECTOR: legally representing Politecnico, he guarantees freedom of research and education, protecting students and employees rights.  
CAREER REACTIVATION: evaluation of a student’s study plan by a commission, after career interruption (due to lack of student activities in the last four years). 
THESIS APPLICATION FORM: form to submit when the student is about to graduate. It contains thesis subject and supervisors’ names. 
FEES REDUCTION: variable decrease of tuition fees, depending on the financial-patrimonial situation of the the student submitting the relative request.
ACADEMIC SENATE: organ of policy, planning and coordinating Politecnico for the exercise of its functions. 
DISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC SECTOR: grouping of similar subjects, established by Ministry of Education, University and Scientific and Technological Research as stated in D.M. 4 of October 2000.
SMART CARD: digital identity document for students, provided when enrolling since 2007/08. Smart Card of Piedmontese University System card contains: personal data, photo of the student plus a magnetic bar and a microprocessor supporting the access and payments to Edisu, Polito, GTT services. 
CAREER SUSPENSION: temporary interruption of studies. It can be requested anytime during the academic year, but only once in the student career and if fulfilling certain conditions. 
STATINO: official document printable from self-service boxes. It has to be submitted to the Professor when recording an exam grade. 
DIDACTIC STRUCTURE: it determines rules and approves student careers. The main didactic structure is the Faculty, which can be internally divided into sectors or commissions. 
FULL-TIME: enrolment process, involving a maximum of 80 credits per academic year (over 80 credits for students enrolled before D.M. 509/99). Fees payment is not requested at the moment of plan of study definition, and there is the possibility of applying for fee reduction in order to pay fees according to the student’s financial situation.
PART-TIME: enrolment process, involving a maximum of 36 credits per Academic Year.  Fees payment is compulsory at the moment of plan of study definition in order to complete enrolment. 
TRANSFER: undergraduate student coming from another University willing to continue his/her studies at Politecnico. 
CAREER EVALUATION: evaluation of the student curriculum by the Commission in charge, for the admission of a graduate from another University wishing to enrol in Politecnico.
OLD UNIVERSITY SYSTEM: university rules into force before the reform D.M. 509 of 3/11/1999. It is still valid for students who enrolled before 1999.