The Politecnico
Students - Companies - Schools
2016 - 2017
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Student guide 2016 - 2017 (ord. D.M. 270/04)
Nuovo ordinamento (D.M. 270/04)
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Location: Torino - Class: ENERGY AND NUCLEAR ENGINEERING (LM-30)
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Registering for the Final Examination
The registration for the Final Examination enables you to register for the graduation period, provided that you have obtained your Supervisor’s confirmation when you submitted your Thesis conclusion confirmation.    

Before registering for the Final Examination, you need to fill in the online Almalaurea Questionnaire, available on: (you do not need to print any receipt, as Politecnico is automatically notified when you complete the questionnaire).
You can find further information on the Almalaurea Consortium in the following chapter of the Student Guide: Entering the world of work.  

How to register for the Final Examination: 
  • Log into your personal page of the Teaching Portal – Segreteria on-line – Iscrizione esame finale/Final Examination Registration
  • Fill in all fields;
  • Pay the graduation fee (92,76 Euro). The system will display the total amount of money which is still due to Politecnico, including other debts. You can choose one of the following payment methods:
    • Credit card: personal page of the Teaching Portal, Office of Student Services, Office of the University Registrar;
    • Bank debit card (Bancomat): Office of Student Services, Office of the University Registrar;
    • MAV (Modulo Avviso Pagamento / electronic deposit slip – this payment method allows you to pay money through the on-line banking service of your own bank or at the counters of any bank): personal page of the Teaching Portal.
At the end of the registration for the Final Examination, you will receive a confirmation e-mail into your institutional mailbox.  

If something is wrong (for instance, if some exams have not been registered yet), you will still be able to submit your request for the Final Examination registration (in this case you need to select “Domanda con riserva”/“Provisional application”). You will receive an  e-mail explaining the reasons for the registration being only "provisional".  

In addition to this, the system will generate a PDF file containing the same information. Once the anomalies are solved, the Office of Student Services will add your name in the list of regular graduands. In this case you will receive an e-mail confirming the graduation registration into your institutional mailbox.                  

In order to be admitted to the Final Examination: 
  • you must have passed all the exams foreseen by your degree programme;
  • you must follow the schedule and meet the deadlines for passing the exams and for registering for the Final Examination;
  • you must have paid your tuition fees, regardless of deadlines.
    Update (4th November 2016): in accordance with art.7 of the Fee guide 2016/2017, issued with Executive Decision No. 700 dated 6th May 2016 of the Head of the Division of Student Affairs, students who have chosen full-time enrolment and  intend to graduate in the December 2016 Graduation Period must pay the first and second instalment of their tuition fees.
    Similarly, students who have chosen full-time enrolment and intend to graduate in the March/April 2017 Graduation Period, must pay the second instalment of their tuition fees.

The date and place where the Final Examination and the Graduation Ceremony take place, are published on the Bacheca Avvisi/ Notice Board.  

The degree certificate will be conferred during the Graduation Ceremony.