The Politecnico
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2016 - 2017
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Student guide 2016 - 2017 (ord. D.M. 270/04)
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Master course in
Location: Torino - Class: ENERGY AND NUCLEAR ENGINEERING (LM-30)
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Summary of deadlines
Graduation period
6th - 29th October 2016 (1)
extended from 28th to 29th October - update: 21st october 2016
Deadline for the Thesis application with approval of the Supervisor (2)
3rd June 2016
Deadline for passing all the exams (3)
24th September 2016
Deadline for the Thesis conclusion confirmation (4) and for the registration for the Final Examination (5)
29th September 2016
Thesis submission (6)
3 days before the Thesis oral defence
Graduation period
23rd November - 16th  December 2016 (1)
Deadline for the Thesis application with approval of the Supervisor (2)
26th August 2016
Deadline for passing all the exams (3)
24th September 2016
Deadline for the Thesis conclusion confirmation (4) and for the registration for the Final Examination (5)
10th November 2016
Thesis submission (6)
3 days before the Thesis oral defence
Graduation period
15th March - 21st April 2017
extended from 7th to 21st April- update: 21st october 2016
Deadline for the Thesis application with approval of the Supervisor (2)
18th November 2016
Deadline for passing all the exams (3)
4th March 2017
Deadline for the Thesis conclusion confirmation (4) and for the registration for the Final Examination (5)
8th March 2017
Thesis submission (6)
3 days before the Thesis oral defence
Graduation period
17th - 28th July 2017
Deadline for the Thesis application with approval of the Supervisor (2)
10th March 2017
Deadline for passing all the exams (3)
8th July 2017
Deadline for the Thesis conclusion confirmation (4) and for the registration for the Final Examination (5)
11th July 2017
Thesis submission (6)
3 days before the Thesis oral defence
Graduation period
9th - 28th October 2017 (7)
Deadline for the Thesis application with approval of the Supervisor (2)
5th June 2017  (correzione del 19.04.2017)
Deadline for passing all the exams (3)
23rd September 2017
Deadline for the Thesis conclusion confirmation (4) and for the registration for the Final Examination (5)
27th September 2017
Thesis sumbission (6)
3 days before the Thesis oral defence
Graduation period

27th November - 15th December 2017 (7)

Deadline for the Thesis application with approval of the Supervisor (2)
25th August 2017
Deadline for passing all the exams (3)
23rd September 2017
Deadline for the Thesis conclusion confirmation (4) and for the registration for the Final Examination (5)
8th November 2017
Thesis submission (6)
3 days before the Thesis oral defence 
(1) This session is available also to students enrolled in the 2015/2016 a.y., if they have passed all the exams by September 2016.

(2) The application shall be sent to the Supervisor at least three days before the deadline. 

The exam must be registered with this date (even if registration operations take place after this deadline).   

(4) The Thesis conclusion confirmation shall be sent to the Supervisor in time for the registration for the Final Examination.    

You must obtain and register the IELTS 5.0 certificate or equivalent certificate ( by the deadline for the registration for the Final Examination/Graduation period.
We remind you that if you do not have this certificate, you will not be allowed to register for the Final Examination/Graduation. If you intend to take the IELTS in the exam sessions organized by the CLA (Language Centre), you should carefully check the deadlines for registration for each IELTS session. (
Here follows the list of the latest IELTS sessions which allow you to get the results in time for registering for each Final Examination/Graduation period:
  • 9th July 2016 for the October 2016 Graduation period
  • 10th September 2016 for the December  2016 Graduation period
  • 11th february 2017 for the March/April 2017 Graduation period (update: 31st October 2016)
  • 17th June 2017 for the July 2017 Graduation period  (update: 31st October 2016)
  • 9th September 2017 for the October and December 2017 Graduation periods (update: 31st October 2016)
(6) It is intended as the date of the Thesis oral defence, and not the date of the Graduation ceremony. Saturdays, Sundays  and holidays are included in the calculation of these 3 days.
The thesis must be submitted  on the first opening day of the Office of Student Services (Monday through Friday).

Example: I have the Thesis oral defence on Monday, therefore I need to submit my thesis by the previous Friday. If Friday is a holiday, I need to submit my thesis by the previous Thursday.

If, for any reason, you are not able to submit the thesis within the deadlines, write a message explaining the problem to:      

This session is available also to students enrolled in the 2016/2017 a.y., if they have passed all the exams by September 2017.