The Politecnico
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2017 - 2018
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Student guide 2017 - 2018 (ord. D.M. 270/04)
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Bachelor in
Location: Torino - Class: ARCHITECTURE (L-17)
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Free credits
You can acquire free credits with the following training activities: 

The order of preference for all the courses delivered in the first semester and in the second semester subject to assignment by merit must be expressed during the definition of APSP/PSP within the deadline indicated in the academic calendar and below reported:
From 25th July  to 21th September 29, 2017 - rank of merit

COURSES SUGGESTED BY THE UNIVERSITY CATALOGUE - allocation on the basis of merit
Courses will be assigned  based on available places for Bachelor's Programme of the Collegio of Architecture, Design,  Urban Studies and Planning.
You will be allowed to express your preferences only if you had previously  inserted in your APSP the following generic code 01SBBPM Insegnamenti del catalogo di Ateneo soggetti a graduatoria di merito.
Log into your personal page of the Teaching Portal, go to SEGRETERIA ON-LINE, then select ACCEDI/ACCESS and click on COMPILA PIANO CARRIERA – CARICO DIDATTICO/FILL IN YOUR PSP /APSP.

Calculation of the merit score:   

(overall weighted average * CFU idoneità) + [(V1 * CFU1) + (V2 * CFU2) + (Vn + CFUn)] ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________           
                                   Number of semesters from first enrolment in the university system  

The number of semesters is calculated starting from the first enrolment in the university system. The score is calculated taking into account only those exams that were recognized and validated by Politecnico di Torino.   

The calculation of the merit score, for courses in the first semester, is based on the exams passed within the July 2017 examination session.  
The calculation of the merit score, for courses in the second semester, is based on the exams passed within the September 2017 examination session.

How to express your order of preference

Log into your personal page of the Teaching Portal, go to the section “SEGRETERIA ON-LINE”, then select “ACCEDI/ACCESS” from the box named “COMPILA PIANO CARRIERA – CARICO DIDATTICO/FILL IN YOUR PSP /APSP”. You will be redirected to a new page offering a wide range of choices related only the generic codes in your Annual Personal Study Plan. You can establish the order of preference using the arrows or dragging and dropping the course names, as illustrated in picture no.1:

The student interested in the courses listed in the table Courses suggested by the University Catalogue,  will be able to enter the code of the courses defining the Personal Study Plan. The allocation of these courses is not on the basis of merit .

If the maximum number of credits indicated in the training offer is exceeded, the courses will be allocated according to a ranking of merit.

The historical research essay is not allocated to students on the basis of a merit ranking list.
When you prepare your Annual Personal Study Plan, you need to insert the name and code of the research essay, available on the Teaching Portal  (Offerta formativa – piano degli studi /Course catalogue – Curriculum).

If you choose professional training (12 CFU), when you define the study plan you must enter the name and the code shown in the Teaching Portal  "Offering - Course programme". As regards organization and assignment, please refer to the Stage & Job.

If  you  are interested in getting your 12 free choice credits or just  some of them through the recognition of the learning activities listed below, you will have to insert in your PSP/APSP the following generic codes: 02SBCPM Altre attività formative (12 cfu) 01SBCPM Altre attività formative (6 cfu). This operation will allow you to reserve some credits for this purpose. Once the learning activity has been recognized, your APSP will be updated accordingly.

Politecnico can recognize 3,4,5,6,8,10 or 12 academic credits (ECTS) depending on the kind of activity. Politecnico can recognize more than one activity during the course of your studies.      
If you are going to participate or have participated in external learning activities (training courses, workshops, Summer or Winter Schools,…) which are relevant and coherent with your educational path, you can ask for the recognition of this activity. The request shall be made through a specific procedure called ‘Approvazione attività esterne’/ Approval of external activities, available under the Segreteria on line section of your personal page.
You will have to upload the activity supporting documents  (agenda, contents and  duration).  The Programme Academic Coordinator  will decide whether to accept your request and how many credits you will be granted.

Politecnico can recognize up to a maximum of 3 academic credits, only one time during the entire duration of your studies  (Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme).
If you achieve outstanding results in competitive sporting activities while you are studying at the university, you can ask for the recognition of this activity at any time of your academic career. The request shall be made through a specific procedure called ‘Approvazione attività esterne’/ Approval of external activities, available under the Segreteria on line section of your personal page.       As a general rule, the term “outstanding results in competitive sporting activities” refers to:
a) athletes called into the Italian national team of disciplines which have a federation approved by CONI and are recognized as Olympic sports.
b) absolute champions or champions of division in Italian championships, or medalists in European /World championships  in one of the disciplines that have a federation approved by CONI and are recognized as Olympic sports. 
c) athletes, couches or referees who have participated in top level national and international championships
d) students who have won the open competition for the Agon project promoted by CUS Torino

Politecnico can recognize 3,6, or 12 academic credits, only one time during the Bachelor’s degree programme and only one time during the Master’s degree programme.
If you are actively involved in a student team, you can ask for the recognition of this activity. The request shall be made through a specific procedure called ‘Approvazione attività esterne’/Approval of external activities, available under the Segreteria on line section of your personal page. The team leader will have to certify the nature of your collaboration and the amount of time that you have dedicated to it. On the basis of such information the Faculty member in charge of your Personal Study Plan (referente del piano carriera)  will decide whether to accept your request and how many credits you will be granted.

Further information on Student teams is available on:

Politecnico can recognize this competence only one time during the Bachelor’s degree programme
If you have a certificate of a foreign language other than the compulsory languages of your degree programme, you can ask for its recognition at any time of your academic career. The request shall be made through a specific procedure called “Approvazione attività esterne”/Approval of external activities, available under the "Segreteria on line" section of your personal page. You will have to upload a copy of your language certificate. If your request is approved, you will have to show the original certificate to the staff of the Language Centre (CLA).  

The table of the foreign languages and the certificates accepted by Politecnico is available on the CLA’s website.

 It is possible to choose one course offered by the University of Turin (Università degli Studi di Torino) in substitution for a course listed in the catalogue of free choice credits.  
In a.y. 2017/18 this opportunity is reserved to maximum 50 students from Politecnico, with a limit of 3 students admitted to the same course.
If there are not enough places, the course will be allocated to students on the basis of a merit ranking list created by the Division  of Student Affairs.
If you are admitted to a course offered by the University of Turin, you will have to register on the University’s website ( to get the access credential for their online services (such as the registration for an exam date)
Further information and instructions on how to register are available at:        

Other useful information and the course syllabi  are available on the website of the degree programme which offers the course. You can find the list of Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes offered by Unito in a.y. 2017/18 at: