The Politecnico
Students - Companies - Schools
2017 - 2018
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Student guide 2017 - 2018 (ord. D.M. 270/04)
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Student guide 2017 - 2018
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Bachelor in
Location: Torino - Class: ARCHITECTURE (L-17)
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Withdrawal from studies
If you do not want to continue your university career, you can formally withdraw from studies. In order to do that, you need to express your clear and explicit will to withdraw from studies, without any condition, term or clause that might limit the effectiveness of this declaration.

If you are enrolled in a Master’s degree programme and you withdraw from studies during first semester, you cannot be readmitted to the same or to another Master’s degree programme in second semester, except for serious and justified reasons.

When you decide to withdraw from studies, you are required to pay any outstanding debt due to Politecnico,  before you can officially withdraw. You do not have the right to receive any kind of fee reimbursement, not even in case you withdraw from studies before the end of the academic year.

If you are enrolled for the current academic year and you have not paid the second instalment of tuition fees yet, you are not required to pay it, as long as you make your withdrawal request within the deadline for payment of the second instalment.

All the certificates, related to previous academic career that you have regularly followed, will include a declaration certifying your withdrawal from studies.

In order to withdraw form studies, you must go to the Office of the University Registrar – Fees and Right to Education (at Cittadella Politecnica, ground floor) with the following documents:
  • a valid identification document;
  • the request, which must be produced using the specific form (Withdrawal from studies form) to which a revenue stamp must be added.
If you send your withdrawal request by post, or through a third person, you must include a copy of your identification doucment.

In case you decide to start a new course of study, you can ask for the recognition of the exams that you had previously passed. A specific committee will be in charge of this procedure and you will have to pay a fee for each validated credit.