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2017 - 2018
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Student guide 2017 - 2018 (ord. D.M. 270/04)
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Bachelor in
Location: Torino - Class: INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING (L-9)
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Transfer out (transfer from Politecnico to another Italian University)
If you are  a student enrolled at Politecnico and you intend to continue your Bachelor’s or Master’s studies at another University or Institute of Higher Education you must contact the University of destination in advance in order to learn about possible requirements (admissions test), procedures and deadlines for the transfer application.
You need to obtain the Transfer Clearance Form (nulla osta) issued by the Student Services Office of  the University of destination.   If you transfer out and later return to Politecnico without having enrolled at the University of  destination, you will be reassigned to your previous academic career.
After you apply for a transfer out, you  are not allowed to participate in any academic activity, nor to use any teaching or administrative service offered by Politecnico.
In particular, you cannot take any exam starting from the date of submission  of your transfer application.      

Requirements for transfer out applications

If you  have enrolled in first year up to a.y. 2016/17, you  can submit your transfer out application if you meet the following requirements:    
  1. you must not have enrolled for a.y. 2017/18
  2. you  must have paid all your  tuition fees up to a.y. 2016/2017
  3. you must not have a blocked career (for example: disciplinary sanctions, pending issues with EDISU Piemonte, etc…)  

If you  have enrolled in first year in a.y. 2017/18, you  can submit your transfer out application if you have paid your tuition fees (if you apply for your transfer before the payment deadline for the second instalment of your tuition fees, you are not required to pay it).

The transfer out application costs  € 66.00 (which corresponds to a fixed fee of € 50.00, plus  a 16 euro revenue stamp).  

How to apply for a transfer out
Please follow these steps in order to apply for a transfer out to another University:
  • log into the “Apply” section on your personal page of the Teaching Portal;
  • select the service named “richiesta congedo” / transfer out application  (from the Segreteria online section)
  • insert the name of the University and the name of the degree programme of destination
  • upload the “Clearance Form” (nulla osta) received from the University of destination (only if the course you are applying to is restricted to a fixed number)
  • follow the online  instructions to pay the amount due to Politecnico:
  • make your payment,
  • continue to submit your application
After submitting your application, your request will be assigned the status of “confirmation pending” during the phase of administrative verifications. At the end of this phase, Politecnico di Torino will sent your transfer form to the University of destination.  Politrecnico will send you an e-mail to your institutional mailbox to inform you when your transfer is confirmed.