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Bachelor in
Location: Torino - Class: INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING (L-9)
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Italian language requirements for students with a non-Italian high school diploma
If you have a non-Italian high school diploma and you want to attain a degree at Politecnico di Torino, you need to check our language requirements on our dedicated web page.
In order to be admitted to any Bachelor’s degree programme taught in Italian, prospective students with a non-Italian high school diploma need  to prove to have a proper knowledge of Italian: this is an admission requirement.
For this reason, when you apply online from the apply@polito platform on Politecnico’s website,  you must have an Italian language certificate (B1 level), or else, you need to have been awarded a qualification by an Italian school / university (licenza elementare, licenza media, diploma di maturità or higher qualification). You will have to show your original Italian language certificate to the International Affairs Office  which will make a copy of it and return the original back to you. Your certificate will  be recorded  in your  personal page (Personal Details section) and the Italian language exam will not be included in your Annual Personal Study Plan.

Certificates and exemptions – Italian language

The certificates and the exemptions recognized by Politecnico are published on the website of the Language Centre (CLA) in this table: Certificates accepted or exemptions for the Italian language assessment at Politecnico di Torino as of a.y. 2017/18.   

Politecnico also accepts certificates issued by Embassies, Italian Cultural Institutes, universities or institutions that have an agreement with Politecnico, upon completion of an Italian language course with a final exam (attendance certificates are not accepted). Italian language certificates must include the FCER level of the course.    
You can be exempted from having the Italian language certificate if upon enrolment  you turn in a stamped declaration/certificate written on official letterhead which certifies that:
  • you have attended at least one school year at a high school in which the medium of instruction is Italian. In this case the certificate must state that “The medium of instruction is Italian”;
  • you have an Italian qualification (licenza elementare, licenza media, diploma di maturità or higher qualification).
Recording  your Italian language exam

If your APSP requires you to pass an Italian language exam, it is necessary to distinguish between two cases:
If you already have an Italian language certificate obtained outside Politecnico and included in the  list of Certificates accepted or exemptions for the Italian language assessment at Politecnico di Torino as of a.y. 2017/18 you can ask Politecnico to record your Italian exam. You need to show the original certificate to the Office of Student Services. The Office will make a copy of your certificate, return it back to you and record it
If you do not have an Italian language certificate obtained outside Politecnico and included in the  list of Certificates accepted or exemptions for the Italian language assessment at Politecnico di Torino as of a.y. 2017/18: you can take the Italian language exam following the instructions included in the Student Guide. If you pass the Italian exam, this will be automatically recorded: you do not need to take any further action.
The rules concerning the Italian language course for foreign students who enrolled at Politecnico before a.y. 2014/2015 are set forth in the Italian Language Regulations of every academic year:

Italian Language Regulations for foreign students (2011/12)

Italian Language Regulations for foreign students (2012/13)
Italian Language Regulations for foreign students (2013/14)