2nd level Specializing Master in
Space exploration and development systems
HomeCourse CatalogOfferingSp. Master2nd level Specializing Master in Space exploration and development systems (2016 - 2017)
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Selection outcomes
Maximum number of participants admitted to the II level specializing master in SEEDS, A.Y. 2016/2017: 15
Applications deadline was: September 19th 2016 (h 11:59, Italian time).

The following list contains the names (based on their position on the merit list) of the students who are admitted to attend the 2nd level specializing master in Space explorations and development systems:

  1. F245269 SAVIOLI L.
  2. F247279 MCSWEENEY A.
  3. F246486 FIORAVANTI V.
  4. F244808 MUNGIGUERRA S.
  5. F245468 CALUM H.
  6. F233472 DI CARO A.
  7. F241544 TORRESAN S.
  8. F245574 BEAUREGARD L.
  9. F241808 QUERCIA T.
  10. F244213 SEGRETO C.
  11. F245664 RAZZAGHI R. K.
  12. F245623 GASPARRINI M. J.
  13. F239078 RAMCHAND L. N.
  14. F245508 TORN B.
  15. F247190 PUGLIESE F.

 In order to check the selection outcomes for the 10 scholarships, please refer to the following page: 
Selection Outcomes Compagnia di San Paolo Scholarship
The student included in this list (except for scholarship recipient), in order to participate to the 2nd level specializing master must take the following steps:

  1. by October 5th 2016 download the "Declaration of participation to the specializing master course" (click here to download), fill it in and send it by email to master.universitari@polito.it along with receipt of the dispatch by express courier of the original documents (the receipt of the dispatch is only for foreign candidates, NOT Italian - see point 2) .If the declaration is not received within the given deadline the candidature will be rejected.
  2. JUST FOR FOREIGN CANDIDATES (Extra EU and EU, NOT ITALIAN): send to the Politecnico di Torino the original of the documentation attached to the online application form by express delivery. For a list of the original documentation required, please check carefully the "documentation required" page. Please make sure that you do not send us the original of the diploma degree but only the original of the corresponding official transcript(s), as the diploma will be required by the Embassy for the "dichiarazione di valore" issuing. The Politecnico di Torino must receive the requested documents by October 19th 2016 to the following address:
         Politecnico di Torino
         Ufficio Protocollo
         Specializing Master in SEEDS 
         Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24
         10129 Torino

If the Politecnico di Torino does not receive the original documents within the aforementioned time frame and conditions, the candidature will be rejected and the position will be reassigned to an eligible candidate (placed on the reserve list), nevertheless the acceptance declaration has been sent before.

3.  ALL CANDIDATES have to pay the tuition fees of 3.000,00 Euros as follows:

  • € 1.000 as advanced fee within October 11th 2016 
  • € 2.000 at the moment of the enrolment (end of November 2016) plus € 20,86 (University taxes)
We will send all the instructions to the admitted students at the proper moment.

Please note that in case that one or more candidates will renounce to his position, this will be reassigned to the following students according to their position in the RESERVE LIST.

  1. F246959 VINCENTE G. J. 
  2. F241456 MENINI S. U. 
  3. F246520 D'ELIA M. E. 
  4. F67637 AHMED M. 
  5. F246243 PANDI PERUMAL R. 
  6. F245367 DE FALCO A. 
  7. F221351 FARA A. 
  8. F244957 CREMA M.
  9. F245453 RAMIREZ GARCIA R.
  10. F245163 OANCEA S. 
  12. F247324 VALTUENA A. 
  13. F246186 DI STEFANO E.
  14. F240869 DWIVEDI S. 
  15. F123150 MALDARIZZI G. 
  16. F237615 ROCCO F. V. 
  17. F123176 RAMPA A.
  18. F189330 KULSOOM F.
  19. F247205 SABATINO S.

For people graduated outside Italy
: please request at the Italian Embassy of your country a statement ("dichiarazione di valore") which certifies the validity of your degree and hand it in at the beginning of the Specializing Master program. The "dichiarazione di valore" will be kept by the Politecnico until the Specializing Master program is concluded and is only returned afterwards. With a prior deposit of a certified copy of the document, the original can be handed out to you for a short time period if required. If you run into considerable difficulties regarding the "dichiarazione di valore", please communicate any issues, as soon as they arise, and the contact telephone numbers and e-mail of the Embassy to the Master office (master.universitari@polito.it). The Master office will contact the appropriate Consular Representative in order to accelerate the process of issuing the required document.
Those of you who arrive in Italy without the "dichiarazione di valore" and without having previously communicated any corresponding issue to the Master office will not be able to enrol at the Politecnico di Torino. The Politecnico di Torino will verify the authenticity of the statement ("dichiarazione di valore") before you can proceed to the enrolment.

IMPORTANT: Extra EU students living abroad have also to present an application to the Italian Embassy or Consulate in their own Country of residence. As soon as possible they will have to ask information directly to the Italian Embassy in their country in order to know: 
- which is the documentation required for the VISA application 
- the exact deadlines in order to apply for the STUDY VISA (each Embassy has specific deadlines)

We will know the exact number of participants for the II level specializing master in "Space exploration and development systems" only after the confirmation of all selected candidates (by October 5th 2016). 
The course will only start if the minimum number of participants required can be realized. Further, only at that time we will be able to send corresponding letters for obtaining a student VISA to all admitted non-EU candidates.
Meanwhile the Politecnico di Torino will formally send this list of selected candidates to the Italian embassies and consulates in order to enable them to go ahead with the application process for the VISA issuing.
