2nd level Specializing Master in
Space exploration and development systems
HomeCourse CatalogOfferingSp. Master2nd level Specializing Master in Space exploration and development systems (2016 - 2017)
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Excellence awards - IAC
The Office of Specializing Master's Programmes and Lifelong Learning, upon request of the Master’s Coordinator, announces two excellence awards funded by Compagnia di San Paolo. 
The awards are inted  to support two students who will participate into the 68th edition of the International Astronautical Congress – IAC, to be held in Adelaide (Australia), from 25th to 29th September 2017. Each award amounts to € 3.500,00 (net of IRAP) and will cover the following costs:
  • Travel expenses
  • Hotel
  • Meals
  • Conference registration
In order to be considered for these awards, students must be enrolled in the 2nd Level Specializing Master's programme in “Space Exploration and Development Systems” a.y. 2016/2017. Moreover, students must have passed all the exams included in their Study Plan with a weighted average grade equal or higher than 25/30.
The award is compatibible with other sources of financial support. However, if a student has already been awarder a scholarship by another instritution for the participation in same congress, he/she will no longer be considerated eligible.

For more information, please check the related call:
NEW - Exellence award's winners

The Selection Committee assiged the two awards to the following students:
  • Calum James Hervieu
  • Stefano Torresan
Instructions to accept the award will be given to the winners at their institutional email address.