Piano degli studi e programmi dei corsi



Elenco notifiche

Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria meccanica (mechanical engineering) (Torino)

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale - Collegio di Ingegneria Meccanica, Aerospaziale e dell'Autoveicolo

Visualizzazione per anno accademico 2023/2024


Lingua inglese

Nella visualizzazione per anno accademico vengono mostrati gli insegnamenti previsti per il dato anno accademico (esempio gli insegnamenti del 2 anno dell'anno 2019/2020 sono quelli previsti per gli studenti immatricolati nell'anno accademico 2018/2019)

Visualizza l'offerta dell'anno accademico

Nella visualizzazione per coorte vengono mostrati gli insegnamenti previsti per gli immatricolati nell'anno accademico di riferimento
(ad. esempio al 2 anno della coorte 2023/2024 sono mostrati gli insegnamenti erogati nell'anno accademico 2024/2025)

Visualizza l'offerta per l'anno accademico di immatricolazione (coorte)

All courses of the first year are compulsory.
In the first semester of the second year, up to two courses can be replaced with classes given in Italian or with classes selected in other MSc programmes, if compatible with the MSc in Mechanical Engineering: the list of compatible sectors is given in the table at the bottom of this page: https://didattica.polito.it/pls/portal30/sviluppo.vis_aiq_2023.visualizza?sducds=32037&tab=0&p_a_acc=2024. In this case, a superposition of timetables, both for the lectures and the exams, will likely happen.
“Additive manufacturing systems and materials” and “Produzione assistita dal calcolatore” are mutually exclusive.
“Additive manufacturing systems and materials” and “Produzione assistita dal calcolatore” exclude both “Materiali per la fabbricazione additiva” and “Tecniche di fabbricazione additiva”.

1° anno
Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01NMDQD ING-IND/35 (8) Business Economics and Organization 8
1 01HHMQD ING-IND/08 (10) Fluid machinery 10
1 02MSIQD ING-IND/16 (6) Integrated Manufacturing Systems 6
1 01NMCQD ING-IND/13 (6) Mechanical system dynamics 6
2 01NMFQD ING-IND/10 (5);
MAT/08 (5)
Advanced engineering thermodynamics/Numerical modelling

  • Advanced topics of Engineering Thermodynamics ING-IND/10 (5 crediti)

  • Numerical modelling MAT/08 (5 crediti)

2 16OBWQD Choice from table 1 8
2 03MCHQD ING-IND/14 (8) Machine design 8
2 01NMEQD ING-IND/21 (6) Materials for mechanical industries 6

2° anno
Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01OAIQD ING-IND/14 (10) Dynamic design of machines 10
1 01OAJQD ING-IND/08 (10) Hydraulic and thermal machines testing 10
1 01OAHQD ING-IND/10 (8) Numerical design of thermal systems 8
1,2 06MIGQD Choice from table A 6
1,2 11LSKQD Choice from table B 6
2 05MBRQD Thesis 18

Choice from table 1
Each course in Table 1 can guest a maximum of 80 students. Students can select the subjects in the PSP/APSP till the limit of seats is reached, after that the subject will not be available to select.
The maximum threshold admitted for this course is 80 students.
Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
2 01VJEQD ING-IND/13 (8) Mechanical systems automation 8
2 02SQLQD ING-IND/13 (8) Motor vehicle mechanics 8
2 04OAGQD ING-IND/13 (8) Vibration mechanics 8

Choice from table A
It is possible to replace one of the courses from table A with the Challenge.
When a new Challenge becomes available during the academic year, you will find a specific link to submit your application on your personal page of the Teaching Portal – Online Services TAB.
You will also receive an e-mail with the topics of the Challenge and the deadlines for application.
You cannot directly include a Challenge in your APSP. You need to choose a course from table A and add it to your APSP. At the end of the selection process, if you have been chosen to take part in a Challenge, the Office of Student Services will replace this course with the Challenge.
Challenge activities are conducted in English.
When a new Challenge becomes available during the academic year, you will find a specific link to submit your application on your personal page of the Teaching Portal – Online Services TAB.
You will also receive an e-mail with the topics of the Challenge and the deadlines for application.
You cannot directly include a Challenge in your APSP, even if Challenges are among your options for free choice credits. You need to choose a standard course and add it to your APSP. At the end of the selection process, if you have been chosen to take part in a Challenge, the Office of Student Services will replace this course with the Challenge.
Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1,2 02UEWQD Challenge 8
1,2 01USCQD Free ECTS Credits 1 6
1,2 09MSYQD Professional Training 6

Choice from table B
It is possible to replace one of the courses from table B with the Challenge.
When a new Challenge becomes available during the academic year, you will find a specific link to submit your application on your personal page of the Teaching Portal – Online Services TAB.
You will also receive an e-mail with the topics of the Challenge and the deadlines for application.
You cannot directly include a Challenge in your APSP. You need to choose a course from table B and add it to your APSP. At the end of the selection process, if you have been chosen to take part in a Challenge, the Office of Student Services will replace this course with the Challenge.
Challenge activities are conducted in English.
When a new Challenge becomes available during the academic year, you will find a specific link to submit your application on your personal page of the Teaching Portal – Online Services TAB.
You will also receive an e-mail with the topics of the Challenge and the deadlines for application.
You cannot directly include a Challenge in your APSP, even if Challenges are among your options for free choice credits. You need to choose a standard course and add it to your APSP. At the end of the selection process, if you have been chosen to take part in a Challenge, the Office of Student Services will replace this course with the Challenge.
Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1,2 02UEWQD Challenge 8
1,2 02VAJQD Free ECTS credits 2 6
1,2 09MSYQD Professional Training 6

It is possible to replace one of the courses from table A with the Challenge.
When a new Challenge becomes available during the academic year, you will find a specific link to submit your application on your personal page of the Teaching Portal – Online Services TAB.
You will also receive an e-mail with the topics of the Challenge and the deadlines for application.
You cannot directly include a Challenge in your APSP. You need to choose a course from table A and add it to your APSP. At the end of the selection process, if you have been chosen to take part in a Challenge, the Office of Student Services will replace this course with the Challenge.
Challenge activities are conducted in English.
When a new Challenge becomes available during the academic year, you will find a specific link to submit your application on your personal page of the Teaching Portal – Online Services TAB.
You will also receive an e-mail with the topics of the Challenge and the deadlines for application.
You cannot directly include a Challenge in your APSP, even if Challenges are among your options for free choice credits. You need to choose a standard course and add it to your APSP. At the end of the selection process, if you have been chosen to take part in a Challenge, the Office of Student Services will replace this course with the Challenge.
Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01HRWQD ICAR/05 (1.1);
ICAR/13 (1.8);
ICAR/14 (1.5);
ING-IND/10 (.8);
ING-IND/31 (1.7);
ING-IND/35 (1.1)
Challenge@PoliTo by Firms - EDISON NEXT SpA 8
1 01HROQD ICAR/13 (5.6);
ING-IND/14 (.2);
ING-INF/05 (2.2)
Challenge@PoliTo by Firms - Iveco 8
1 01HRVQD ICAR/06 (6.5);
ING-IND/35 (1.5)
Challenge@PoliTo by Firms - NODES Spoke 1/Tyvak 8
1 01HRQQD ICAR/14 (.5);
ICAR/21 (1.5);
ICAR/05 (6)
Challenge@PoliTo by Firms - Stellantis 8
1 01HRPQD ICAR/17 (.8);
ING-IND/10 (.8);
ING-IND/13 (.8);
ING-IND/16 (1.2);
ING-INF/05 (4.4)
Challenge@PoliTo by Students - CTE NEXT Digital Twin 8
2 01HRSQD ICAR/03 (3);
ICAR/13 (1);
ING-IND/35 (1);
ICAR/14 (2);
ICAR/15 (1)
Challenge@PoliTo by Firms - Azzurra 8
2 01HRTQD ICAR/05 (1.4);
ING-INF/01 (3.3);
ICAR/06 (3.3)
Challenge@PoliTo by Firms - CTE next/LATITUDO 40 8
2 01HRXQD ICAR/05 (.7);
ING-IND/11 (1.2);
ING-IND/16 (1);
ING-IND/31 (1.6);
ING-IND/32 (1.6);
ING-IND/33 (.7);
ING-IND/35 (1.2)
Challenge@PoliTo by Firms - NODES Spoke 1/IREN SpA 8
2 01HRYQD ING-IND/13 (1.8);
ING-IND/14 (3);
ING-INF/01 (1);
ING-IND/16 (1.2);
ING-IND/27 (1)
Challenge@PoliTo by Firms - NODES Spoke 7/TOSA 8
2 01HRZQD ICAR/01 (.8);
ICAR/07 (1.1);
ING-IND/16 (1);
ICAR/02 (.3);
ICAR/06 (1.1);
ING-IND/28 (1.1);
ING-INF/05 (1.5);
SPS/08 (1.1)
Challenge@PoliTo by Students PoliTO - Living with natural risks 8

Free ECTS Credits 1
It is possible to replace one of the courses from table A with the Challenge.
When a new Challenge becomes available during the academic year, you will find a specific link to submit your application on your personal page of the Teaching Portal – Online Services TAB.
You will also receive an e-mail with the topics of the Challenge and the deadlines for application.
You cannot directly include a Challenge in your APSP. You need to choose a course from table A and add it to your APSP. At the end of the selection process, if you have been chosen to take part in a Challenge, the Office of Student Services will replace this course with the Challenge.
Each Free ECTS course can guest a maximum of 80 students. Students can select the subjects in the PSP/APSP till the limit of seats is reached; after that, the subject will not be available to select.
No overlap, for both lectures and exams, will occur among courses of groups, A or B; some overlap will very likely occur among courses of the same group. GROUP A: Hybrid propulsion systems, Thermal measurements and controls, Additive Manufacturing Systems and materials GROUP B: Aerosol technology and air quality, Transport economy and technique, Mobile and Industrial Fluid Power, Design of Lightweight and composite structures, Automatic control.
Some overlap, for both lectures and exams, will possibly occur for Wind and ocean energy plants.
Students can replace 6 Free ECTS credits with an internship, lasting at least 150 hours. The internship can be included in the study plan only after the authorization of the responsible in charge of internships: this change can be authorized at any time during the year. Before including the internship in the study plan, the student must complete at least 48 CFU and contact the host company.
Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01USDQD ING-IND/11 (6) Aerosol technology and air quality 6
1 04OYCQD ING-IND/32 (6) Hybrid propulsion systems 6
1 01TVKQD ING-IND/13 (5);
ING-IND/33 (1)
Wind and ocean energy plants 6
2 04SQSQD ING-IND/16 (4);
ING-IND/22 (2)
Additive Manufacturing Systems and materials 6
2 05LSLQD ING-INF/04 (6) Automatic control 6
2 01SQQQD ING-IND/14 (6) Design of Lightweight and composite structures 6
2 01HMBQD ING-IND/08 (6) Mobile and Industrial Fluid Power 6
2 01OHHQD ING-IND/10 (6) Thermal measurements and controls 6

It is possible to replace one of the courses from table A with the Challenge.
When a new Challenge becomes available during the academic year, you will find a specific link to submit your application on your personal page of the Teaching Portal – Online Services TAB.
You will also receive an e-mail with the topics of the Challenge and the deadlines for application.
You cannot directly include a Challenge in your APSP. You need to choose a course from table A and add it to your APSP. At the end of the selection process, if you have been chosen to take part in a Challenge, the Office of Student Services will replace this course with the Challenge.
Challenge activities are conducted in English.
When a new Challenge becomes available during the academic year, you will find a specific link to submit your application on your personal page of the Teaching Portal – Online Services TAB.
You will also receive an e-mail with the topics of the Challenge and the deadlines for application.
You cannot directly include a Challenge in your APSP, even if Challenges are among your options for free choice credits. You need to choose a standard course and add it to your APSP. At the end of the selection process, if you have been chosen to take part in a Challenge, the Office of Student Services will replace this course with the Challenge.
Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01HRWQD ICAR/05 (1.1);
ICAR/13 (1.8);
ICAR/14 (1.5);
ING-IND/10 (.8);
ING-IND/31 (1.7);
ING-IND/35 (1.1)
Challenge@PoliTo by Firms - EDISON NEXT SpA 8
1 01HROQD ICAR/13 (5.6);
ING-IND/14 (.2);
ING-INF/05 (2.2)
Challenge@PoliTo by Firms - Iveco 8
1 01HRVQD ICAR/06 (6.5);
ING-IND/35 (1.5)
Challenge@PoliTo by Firms - NODES Spoke 1/Tyvak 8
1 01HRQQD ICAR/14 (.5);
ICAR/21 (1.5);
ICAR/05 (6)
Challenge@PoliTo by Firms - Stellantis 8
1 01HRPQD ICAR/17 (.8);
ING-IND/10 (.8);
ING-IND/13 (.8);
ING-IND/16 (1.2);
ING-INF/05 (4.4)
Challenge@PoliTo by Students - CTE NEXT Digital Twin 8
2 01HRSQD ICAR/03 (3);
ICAR/13 (1);
ING-IND/35 (1);
ICAR/14 (2);
ICAR/15 (1)
Challenge@PoliTo by Firms - Azzurra 8
2 01HRTQD ICAR/05 (1.4);
ING-INF/01 (3.3);
ICAR/06 (3.3)
Challenge@PoliTo by Firms - CTE next/LATITUDO 40 8
2 01HRXQD ICAR/05 (.7);
ING-IND/11 (1.2);
ING-IND/16 (1);
ING-IND/31 (1.6);
ING-IND/32 (1.6);
ING-IND/33 (.7);
ING-IND/35 (1.2)
Challenge@PoliTo by Firms - NODES Spoke 1/IREN SpA 8
2 01HRYQD ING-IND/13 (1.8);
ING-IND/14 (3);
ING-INF/01 (1);
ING-IND/16 (1.2);
ING-IND/27 (1)
Challenge@PoliTo by Firms - NODES Spoke 7/TOSA 8
2 01HRZQD ICAR/01 (.8);
ICAR/07 (1.1);
ING-IND/16 (1);
ICAR/02 (.3);
ICAR/06 (1.1);
ING-IND/28 (1.1);
ING-INF/05 (1.5);
SPS/08 (1.1)
Challenge@PoliTo by Students PoliTO - Living with natural risks 8

Free ECTS credits 2
It is possible to replace one of the courses from table B with the Challenge.
When a new Challenge becomes available during the academic year, you will find a specific link to submit your application on your personal page of the Teaching Portal – Online Services TAB.
You will also receive an e-mail with the topics of the Challenge and the deadlines for application.
You cannot directly include a Challenge in your APSP. You need to choose a course from table B and add it to your APSP. At the end of the selection process, if you have been chosen to take part in a Challenge, the Office of Student Services will replace this course with the Challenge.
Each Free ECTS course can guest a maximum of 80 students. Students can select the subjects in the PSP/APSP till the limit of seats is reached; after that, the subject will not be available to select.
No overlap, for both lectures and exams, will occur among courses of groups, A or B; some overlap will very likely occur among courses of the same group. GROUP A: Hybrid propulsion systems, Thermal measurements and controls, Additive Manufacturing Systems and materials GROUP B: Aerosol technology and air quality, Transport economy and technique, Mobile and Industrial Fluid Power, Design of Lightweight and composite structures, Automatic control.
Some overlap, for both lectures and exams, will possibly occur for Wind and ocean energy plants.
Students can replace 6 Free ECTS credits with an internship, lasting at least 150 hours. The internship can be included in the study plan only after the authorization of the responsible in charge of internships: this change can be authorized at any time during the year. Before including the internship in the study plan, the student must complete at least 48 CFU and contact the host company.
Periodo Codice SSD Insegnamento Lingua Crediti Docente Note Orario
1 01USDQD ING-IND/11 (6) Aerosol technology and air quality 6
1 04OYCQD ING-IND/32 (6) Hybrid propulsion systems 6
1 01TVKQD ING-IND/13 (5);
ING-IND/33 (1)
Wind and ocean energy plants 6
2 04SQSQD ING-IND/16 (4);
ING-IND/22 (2)
Additive Manufacturing Systems and materials 6
2 05LSLQD ING-INF/04 (6) Automatic control 6
2 01SQQQD ING-IND/14 (6) Design of Lightweight and composite structures 6
2 01HMBQD ING-IND/08 (6) Mobile and Industrial Fluid Power 6
2 01OHHQD ING-IND/10 (6) Thermal measurements and controls 6