Ricerca CERCA


Machine learning techniques for collective behavior identification  MELLIA MARCO  VASSIO LUCA  SmartData@PoliTO  Telecommunication Networks Group
Machine learning techniques for collective behavior identification  MELLIA MARCO  VASSIO LUCA  SmartData@PoliTO  Telecommunication Networks Group
esteroTESI ALL'ESTERO Modelling and Dynamics of a Compressible Flap-like Variable-shape Wave Energy Converter  CARAPELLESE FABIO  MATTIAZZO GIULIANA  MOREnergy Lab
Water disinfection through advanced oxidation processes  MONTEVERDE ALESSANDRO HUGO ANTONIO  CREST, Dipartimento di Scienza Applicata e Tecnologia (DISAT), Politecnico di To
2D DEM simulation of rock fracture process  BARLA MARCO
A proposed lumped method to evaluate energy performance of an office inside the Energy Center  BOTTACCIOLI LORENZO  LANZINI ANDREA  PAPURELLO DAVIDE  Energy Center Lab
Analysis and Correlation of Behaviour on Online Social Networks  TREVISAN MARTINO  VASSIO LUCA  SmartData@PoliTO  Telecommunication Networks Group
azienda TESI AZIENDA Analysis and Modeling of Integrated Power Devices and Multilayer Printed Circuit Boards  MUSOLINO FRANCESCO
Analysis of a LOFA in the EU DEMO Breeding Blanket  FROIO ANTONIO  NEMO (Nuclear Engineering MOdelling) group (PoliTo)
Analysis of the dynamic behaviour of road vehicles with Simscape  VIGLIANI ALESSANDRO  Meccanica del Veicolo
Carbon capture (CO2) - experimental activity in a research test bench  PAPURELLO DAVIDE  Energy Center Lab
Chemical looping processes experimental and modeling for the synthetic gas production through a concentrated solar thermal dish  PAPURELLO DAVIDE  Energy Center Lab
Chemical looping processes experimental and modeling for the synthetic gas production through a concentrated solar thermal dish  PAPURELLO DAVIDE  Energy Center Lab
Data-based optimisation of arrays of wave energy conversion systems  FAEDO NICOLAS EZEQUIEL  14-Meccatronica e servosistemi
Development of an open-source database of catalysts and electrolytes for the electrochemical conversion of CO2  HERNANDEZ RIBULLEN SIMELYS PRIS  CREST, Dipartimento di Scienza Applicata e Tecnologia (DISAT), Politecnico di To
Development of mathematical and probabilistic models for the analysis of gene expression data from Next Generation Sequencing technologies  ACQUAVIVA ANDREA  FICARRA ELISA  ELECTRONIC DESIGN AUTOMATION - EDA
Development of multiphysics models for optimizing reactors for the CO2 electrochemical conversion  HERNANDEZ RIBULLEN SIMELYS PRIS  CREST, Dipartimento di Scienza Applicata e Tecnologia (DISAT), Politecnico di To
Diagnostic systems integrated in machines with flexible elements: dynamic modeling and experimental validation  DE PASQUALE GIORGIO  29- SMART STRUCTURES AND SYSTEMS
Dinamica strutturale di dischi palettati a doppio flusso (Dual Flow Path)  ZUCCA STEFANO  11 - LAQ AerMec per componenti di turbine e compressori
azienda TESI AZIENDA Energy performance of Digimat company in Matera  MUTANI GUGLIELMINA  COGITO
azienda TESI AZIENDA From Reliability to Business Process Management through a Knowledge based approach inside the global complex scenery of the Worldwide Commercial Vehicles Business  DURANDO SILVIA  VICARIO GRAZIA
Integration of renewable sources in the grid - case study of Tunisia/Marocco  LEONE PIERLUIGI
Mechanical design based on additive manufacturing processes with filaments (FDM) for metals  DE PASQUALE GIORGIO  29- SMART STRUCTURES AND SYSTEMS
Methodological Development for a Li-Ion Cell Experimental and Virtual Characterization  PAPURELLO DAVIDE  Energy Center Lab  gruppo di elettrochimica
Methodological Development for a Li-Ion Cell Experimental and Virtual Characterization  PAPURELLO DAVIDE  Energy Center Lab  gruppo di elettrochimica
Modeling Online Social Networks Interactions  LEONARDI EMILIO  VASSIO LUCA  DATABASE AND DATA MINING GROUP - DBDM  SmartData@PoliTO  Telecommunication Networks Group
Modeling and experimental tests of a battery pack for Automotive applications.  CARELLO MASSIMILIANA  27- Veicoli innovativi elettrici e ibridi
azienda TESI AZIENDA Modeling and experimental tests of a battery pack for Automotive applications.  CARELLO MASSIMILIANA  27- Veicoli innovativi elettrici e ibridi
Modellazione FEM di celle per pacchi batterie  CARELLO MASSIMILIANA  27- Veicoli innovativi elettrici e ibridi
Modelling of an optical fiber amplifier for remote sensing  JANNER DAVIDE LUCA  MILANESE DANIEL  AA - Glasses, Ceramics and Composites
Multibody modelling of an elliptical bearing for Strain Wave Gears  BERTOLINO ANTONIO CARLO  DE MARTIN ANDREA  SORLI MASSIMO  14-Meccatronica e servosistemi
Nonlinear dynamics: modelling and identification  ANASTASIO DARIO  06-Dinamica dei Sistemi Meccanici e Identificazione
Outliers and Anomaly Detection in Online Social Networks  MELLIA MARCO  TREVISAN MARTINO  VASSIO LUCA  SmartData@PoliTO  Telecommunication Networks Group
Prelinary sizing and high-fidelity modeling for prognostic purposes of a blade pitch variation system for wind-power applications  BRACCO GIOVANNI  DE MARTIN ANDREA  14-Meccatronica e servosistemi
Rational design of catalysts and electrolytes for the electrochemical conversion of CO2  HERNANDEZ RIBULLEN SIMELYS PRIS  CREST, Dipartimento di Scienza Applicata e Tecnologia (DISAT), Politecnico di To
Sonification of high-dimensional biological data  DI CARLO STEFANO  SAVINO ALESSANDRO  DAUIN - GR-24 - SMILIES - reSilient coMputer archItectures and LIfE Sci
Studio sull'esposizione di campi magnetici a bassa frequenza in autobus elettrico in collaborazione con IVECO GROUP  LOMBARDI GUIDO  Electromagnetic Modelling and Applications
Sviluppo di modelli di simulazione per la valutazione del carico di lavoro del Centro Malattie Trombotiche ed Emorragiche dell'ospedale San Giovanni Battista di Torino  BALESTRA GABRIELLA  ROSATI SAMANTA  Biolab: Ingegneria Biomedica
Using trending topic in Online Social Networks for recommendation systems  TREVISAN MARTINO  VASSIO LUCA  SmartData@PoliTO  Telecommunication Networks Group
Uso della dinamica molecolare per studiare l'influenza del pH e di soluzioni tampone sulla disattivazione di una proteina durante il congelamento  PISANO ROBERTO  AA - MOLE
Vehicle dynamic model using Amesim  CARELLO MASSIMILIANA