Ricerca CERCA


RFID Tracking and Locating System for Agrifood Logistics  DEMARCHI DANILO  MOTTO ROS PAOLO  MiNES (Micro&Nano Electronic Systems)
A graph-based approach to study muscle coordination during walking in patients affected by Parkinson’s disease  AGOSTINI VALENTINA  GHISLIERI MARCO  Biolab: Ingegneria Biomedica
azienda TESI AZIENDA esteroTESI ALL'ESTERO A study on non-linear effects during sine vibration testing of large deployable reflector antenna  ANASTASIO DARIO  MARCHESIELLO STEFANO  06-Dinamica dei Sistemi Meccanici e Identificazione
An MCDA approach for the selection of the optimal number of muscle synergies  AGOSTINI VALENTINA  GHISLIERI MARCO  Biolab: Ingegneria Biomedica
azienda TESI AZIENDA Applicazione di un filtro Kalman a dati provenienti da reti informatiche di ponti radio  PRINETTO PAOLO ERNESTO  GR-21 - TESTGROUP - TESTGROUP
Automatic recognition of motor fluctuations in Parkinson's disease using wearable sensors and machine learning  BORZI' LUIGI  DAUIN - GR-24 - reSilient coMputer archItectures and LIfE Sci - SMILIES
Data-based optimisation of arrays of wave energy conversion systems  FAEDO NICOLAS EZEQUIEL  14-Meccatronica e servosistemi
Deep learning-based multi-modal sleep monitoring  BORZI' LUIGI  DAUIN - GR-24 - reSilient coMputer archItectures and LIfE Sci - SMILIES
Design and validation of a machine learning-based approach for the identification of curved trajectories during walking in healthy and pathological conditions  AGOSTINI VALENTINA  GHISLIERI MARCO  Biolab: Ingegneria Biomedica
Detection of muscle activity after Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) reconstruction: analysis of landing tasks  AGOSTINI VALENTINA  GHISLIERI MARCO  Biolab: Ingegneria Biomedica
Enhancing Qubit Control and Readout: FPGA RTL Adaptation on the QICK Platform for Superconducting Quantum Experiments  GRAZIANO MARIAGRAZIA  RIENTE FABRIZIO  TURVANI GIOVANNA  ZAMBONI MAURIZIO  VLSILAB (VLSI theory, design and applications)
Evaluation of neck muscle function in patients with vestibular disorders  GHISLIERI MARCO  Biolab: Ingegneria Biomedica
Experimental techniques for balance analysis in dynamic posturography  DE BENEDICTIS CARLO  FERRARESI CARLO  MAFFIODO DANIELA  04-Automazione e Robotica
Invisible monitoring: implementation of an FMCW radar imaging algorithm for motion classification  DEMARCHI DANILO  MOTTO ROS PAOLO  MiNES (Micro&Nano Electronic Systems)
azienda TESI AZIENDA esteroTESI ALL'ESTERO Large deployable reflector antenna: a study on non-linear effects during sine vibration testing  ANASTASIO DARIO  MARCHESIELLO STEFANO  06-Dinamica dei Sistemi Meccanici e Identificazione
Level 0 simulator for the Doppler radar of the ESA Earth Explorer 11 WIVERN mission  BATTAGLIA ALESSANDRO  MAGGIORA RICCARDO  Telerilevamento di nubi e precipitazioni
Machine monitoring for predictive maintenance  BRUNO GIULIA  LOMBARDI FRANCO  Gestione della conoscenza nello sviluppo prodotto/processo
Machine monitoring for predictive maintenance  BRUNO GIULIA  LOMBARDI FRANCO  Gestione della conoscenza nello sviluppo prodotto/processo
No stress manufacturing: valutare la variazione di parametri neurofisiologici generata da simulazioni di contesti produttivi differenti  AGOSTINI VALENTINA  CANTAMESSA MARCO  Biolab: Ingegneria Biomedica  DIGEP
Processing of intracortical recordings collected in Parkinson disease patients during Deep Brain Stimulation neurosurgery  AGOSTINI VALENTINA  GHISLIERI MARCO  Biolab: Ingegneria Biomedica
Risk stratification in Brugada syndrome through Machine Learning  PASERO EROS GIAN ALESSANDRO  RANDAZZO VINCENZO  Neuronics (Artificial Neural Networks)
Signal processing for time scale and timing with the European navigation satellite system Galileo  GALLEANI LORENZO  Navigation Signal Analysis and Simulation group (NavSAS)
Spiking neural networks for neural signal decoding  DI CARLO STEFANO  SAVINO ALESSANDRO  DAUIN - GR-24 - SMILIES - reSilient coMputer archItectures and LIfE Sci
Use of electrodes for Pulse Wave Velocity estimation  DEMARCHI DANILO  MiNES (Micro&Nano Electronic Systems)
Validation of a passive upper limb exoskeleton for industrial use  DE BENEDICTIS CARLO  FERRARESI CARLO  04-Automazione e Robotica