Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) enables individuals at all stages of their lives to pursue stimulating learning opportunities across Europe. Erasmus subprogram is dedicated to higher education involving University students and professors.
Through a bilateral agreement every University declares the collaboration between another University.
The outgoing student will attend some courses which can be validated by the home university, with the possibility to prepare even the final project.
As agreed with the Erasmus Officer, a maximum number of credits can be validated (about 60 ECTS for a full academic year, 30 ECTS for a semester, with 3 credits tolerance).
If the outgoing student is requested to attend more courses, this effort will result in major job opportunities an greater cultural and social experience.
Outgoing professors will be asked to study the foreign teaching organization, prepare students exchanges and conduct courses or seminars.
Politecnico organizes some free language courses for students winning an Erasmus scholarship.