Politecnico di Torino offers its students the possibility to
receive grants as a contribution to the
participation in traineeship programmes abroad (without a salary) at private
companies, research and training centres
with legal head offices or branches located in Erasmus+ Programme countries.
Other eligible destinations are the International Relations Offices of higher
education institutions, provided that the training activity during the
traineeship is clearly specified in the Traineeship Learning Agreement.
Moreover, the activity must not be co-financed by other European programmes, in
order to avoid conflicts of interest and/or double funding.
When you are awarded an Erasmus+ Traineeship grant, you also have the “Erasmus+ status”, which will provide you with
several advantages and benefits, such as:
- administrative procedures and contacts between the trainee and the
host institution are facilitated by the Outgoing Mobility Office and the Office
of Career Services of Politecnico, following established procedures and
preferential channels, thus dispensing the trainee from red tape;
your traineeship abroad (when taking place during the academic career)
must be previously agreed upon with the Traineeship Coordinator of your degree
programme. When you return, Politecnico will recognize your traineeship
and validate the corresponding credits, according to the procedures of
each degree programme.
The traineeship can be carried out during the academic career (Undegraduate
Traineeship), or after the conferment of the Bachelor’s degree, the Master’s
degree and the P.h.D. (Postgraduate Traineeship).
For further information: