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Bachelor in
Location: Torino - Class: ARCHITECTURE (L-17)
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Internal transfers - Bachelor's degree programmes
Internal transfers – Bachelor’s degree courses    

In order to be allowed to move to another degree programme and/or system you must meet certain requirements which might be different according to the programme/system of origin and destination.
We also remind you that you cannot apply for an internal transfer during the year of first enrolment; moreover, you cannot withdraw from studies to enrol again in a new programme during the same year.      

You are allowed to transfer from a degree programme taught in Italian to one taught in English, or vice versa:  
  • only one time during your academic career; ·      
  • only if you have not included second-year courses in your new Annual Personal Study Plan (this applies also to continuing students who are enrolled in years following the first)    
If you are regularly enrolled at Politecnico di Torino and you intend to transfer to another degree programme, you must meet the language requirements for admission to Bachelor’s degree programmes listed in this table.

The admissions test is compulsory in the following cases:  
  • if you transfer to another Bachelor’s degree programme of the Architecture area;
  • when you come from a Bachelor’s degree programme belonging to the system pre-dating Ministerial Decree No. 509/99, regardless of the number of credits you have already earned;
  • if you come from a Bachelor’s degree programme of the Engineering area.
If you want to make an internal transfer to a Bachelor’s degree programme of the Architecture Area, from system D.M.509/99 to system 270/04 (from class 4 to class L-17), you are not required to sit the admissions test if, after the evaluation of your previous academic records, you are declared eligible for admission to years following first year, within the limit of available places. You are strongly encouraged to take the admissions test in any case.
If fact, if the evaluation of your previous academic records is not sufficient to grant you the admission to the second year, you will have the opportunity to conveniently place yourself in the ranking list (created after the admissions test) and therefore you might have the chance to make an internal transfer to this programme.   You can be admitted to the second year of this programme if you have been recognized at least 40 credits, excluding the English exam, or if you have been recognized the barrier exams. The fee paid for registering for the admissions test will be discounted from your tuition fees if you decide to enrol in the programme; otherwise, it will not be refunded.   The  internal transfer application must be submitted within the deadlines of the Academic calendar and according to the procedure illustrated below, even if you are not required to sit the admissions test.

The internal transfer application must be submitted following the instructions and within the deadlines indicated in the academic calendar.  

How to apply for an internal transfer:
We remind you that you MUST NOT prepare your Annual Personal Study Plan for the new academic year. You MUST:
  • log into the “Apply” section on your personal page of the Teaching Portal;
  • select the desired degree programme using  the button named  “Scegli percorso/ select your programme”
  • confirm your data and submit the internal transfer application;
  • take the admissions test (the result will be available on your “Apply” personal page)
  • if you pass the admissions test, pay the first instalment of your tuition fees (200,00 Euro) in order to confirm your transfer to the new Bachelor’s degree programme. Your payment must be made within the deadlines for enrolment indicated in the Orientation Guide.
 If you are still waiting for some grades to be recorded (for exams taken in the September session), you must wait until all exam grades are recorded before you can confirm your internal transfer. The Teaching Committee of the degree programme will evaluate your previous academic records and possibly validate your credits.
You can check the result of the evaluation in the section named “Valutazioni”/ “Evaluations” available on your “Apply” personal page and then  decide if you want to accept or reject the internal transfer resolution.   After accepting the internal transfer resolution, and in any case within 10 days of the date of acceptance, you need to enrol for the new academic year and prepare your Personal Study Plan/ Annual Personal Study Plan,  following the procedures illustrated in the section named “Iscrizione ad anni successivi al primo: piano carriera e carico didattico”/ Continuing students – enrolling for  years after the first: PSP and APSP
The cost of the internal transfer application (50 Euro) will be charged only if, after seeing the results of the evaluation of previous academic records, you decide not to confirm the internal transfer.  

How to update your Annual Personal Study Plan  
After an internal transfer, you will be able to add to your Annual Personal Study Plan some courses belonging to years following the first. This is possible only if you have obtained the validation of at least 40 credits (excluding the English language exam) or the validation of the barrier exams (see the chapter named “Unfulfilled academic requirements and APSP update". In any case, first of all, you will have to include first-year courses that are still pending.