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Bachelor in
Location: Torino - Class: ARCHITECTURE (L-17)
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Transfers from other universities to Politecnico

If you are enrolled in a Bachelor’s degree programme at another Italian University and you intend to continue your studies at Politecnico di Torino, you are required to sit the admission test (even if you come from a degree programme of the same class) and to conveniently place yourself in the ranking list.

Deadlines, requirements and practical information on the admissions test are available at:

You  can be exempted from taking the admissions test for the Bachelor’s degree programme in Architettura-Architecture ONLY if you are :

a candidate enrolled in Bachelor’s degree programmes belonging to class L-17;

a candidate enrolled in single-cycle Bachelor’s degree programmes belonging to class LM-4 and  4/S (only for Bachelor’s degree programmes of the Architecture area)

a candidate enrolled in Bachelor’s degree programmes belonging to the D.M. 509/99 system – class 4 (only for Bachelor’s degree programmes of the Architecture area) .

IF, after the evaluation of your previous academic records, you are declared eligible for admission to years following first year, within the limit of available places.   If you are in one of the above mentioned categories, you are strongly encouraged to take the admissions test in any case. If fact, if the evaluation of your previous academic records is not sufficient to grant you the admission to the second year, you will have the opportunity to conveniently place yourself in the ranking list (created after the admissions test) and therefore you might have the chance to make an internal transfer to this programme.  

You can be admitted to the second year of this programme if you have been recognized at least 40 credits, excluding the English exam, or if you have been recognized the barrier exams. The fee paid for registering for the admissions test will be discounted from your tuition fees if you decide to enrol in the programme; otherwise, it will not be refunded.

You should decide whether to start the transfer procedure (“congedo”) at your University of origin. This option is useful only if you have already passed some exams for which you intend to request the recognition at Politecnico di Torino.

If you have not taken any exam yet, we suggest you to choose the “withdrawal from studies” option. This will allow you to start a brand new academic career at Politecnico di Torino.

We remind you that:

  • the legislation on university studies prohibits the possibility to be simultaneously enrolled at more than one Italian or foreign university.
  • If you  who come from another university must gain a minimum of 60 credits including the Final Project at Politecnico di Torino in order to attain the Bachelor’s degree. 
  • Transfers are possible between Italian universities only. If you are a student who comes from a foreign university , please contact the Mobility Office – Incoming.

Language requirements:

If you want to transfer from another university to a Bachelor’s degree programme at Politecnico di Torino, you have to meet the language requirements for admission to  Bachelor’s degree programmes listed in the following tables:  

Language requirements table – Engineering

Language requirements table - Architecture  

We remind you that any English language graded exam or any pass-or-fail examination that you might have passed while studying at another university are not equivalent to the IELTS certificate nor  to any other certificate accepted by Politecnico in substitution for IELTS.

How to apply for a transfer:   

In order to register for the admissions test and to apply for a transfer, you must: 

1. log into the “Apply” service and register for the admissions test;
2. upload a scanned copy of your English language certificate (the certificate will be checked when you enrol online);
3. insert the data related to your Bachelor's degree programme (insert every single course that you have passed and registered, with the number of credits and the scientific-disciplinary sector) and upload the syllabus of every course;
4. select your degree programme through “Scegli percorso” / “Select a programme”
5. confirm your data and send your admission application, which will be evaluated only after the admissions test outcome;
6. take the admissions test and wait for your results;
7. if you pass the admissions test, you need to confirm that you actually want to enrol at Politecnico from your Apply personal page; you also need to pay the first instalment of your tuition fees following the deadlines and procedures illustrated on your Apply profile;
8. start the transfer out procedure at your university of origin. You will be able to enrol at Politecnico only after our Office of Student Services receives the transfer form from your university of origin; for this reason it is important that you submit your transfer application as soon as you are admitted to Politecnico.
9. After your admission has been confirmed, your previous academic records will be sent to the Programme academic coordinator (referente cds) for possible credit recognition. It is not possible to have an informal evaluation of your previous academic records.
10. our Office of Student Services has to verify the data contained in your transfer form; upon approval, you will be able to accept the evaluation and enrol online using the dedicated link available on your Apply personal page, under the "Valutazioni"/"Evaluations" section.
11. At the end of this procedure the system will provide you with your student number (matricola) and an appointment with the Office of Student Services (the date can be modified) for the verification of your admission documents and the collection of your Smart Card.

How to update your Annual Personal Study Plan
You need to prepare your PSP/APSP within 10 days of the enrolment date.

When you complete your transfer, you can insert in your Annual Personal Study Plan some courses belonging to years following the first. This is possible only if at least 40 credits (excluding the English language exam) are recognized and validated, or if the barrier exams are recognized and validated. In any case, first of all you will have to insert first-year courses that are still pending.