Master's degree programmes 2018 - 2019
(students with italian degree)
How to fill out the online application form
 (seleziona corso)
Use your username and password to log into the online application form. Fill in the information on your previous university career. It will take you about 20 minutes to fill out your application. You can start it one day and come back to it another day. All fields marked with * (asterisk) are mandatory.  
To submit your application, you must:
  1. i
  2. upload a passport size picture and confirm the data you entered on the Apply@polito portal at a previous stage;
  3.  pay an application fee of € 100 (this amount will be deducted from your tuition fees if you enrol in the programme, but will not be refunded under any circumstances). You can pay by:
    • Credit card (VISA, Mastercard or PostePay – American Express is not accepted): a 1% bank commission will be applied  
    • MAV (Modulo Avviso Pagamento / electronic deposit slip): you can pay your MAV at any bank counter or through the online banking service of your bank. A bank commission of 0.59 Euro is applied for any MAV transaction regardless of the amount.After you pay, you need to register your payment on your Apply@polito  personal page and enter the date of payment.
    • PagoPa (online electronic payment to the Public Administration). You can choose one of the following payment methods: 
    • Avviso di pagamento/ Payment notice: you can generate a payment notice that you can pay at any facility that has a payment agreement with the Public Administration. When you use this method, your payment will be recorded within 24 hours.
    • Credit card: when you use this method, your payment is recorded immediately.
"Educational background/ Studi compiuti" section 
You must enter in this section: 
  • the information on your previous university career (university of origin);
  • the name of your Bachelor’s degree programme and degree classification. If you have already obtained your Bachelor’s degree, please enter the date of degree conferral and graduation final grade 

  • every exam or learning activity included in your Personal Study Plan with its Scientific Disciplinary Field (SSD), number of credits, exam date and grade
  • Pass-or-fail exams (registered without a grade on a scale of 30) might not have a Scientific Disciplinary Field (SSD). In this case please select ***N/A*** (not available)
  • If a course has more than one Scientific Disciplinary Field (SSD), you need to enter it as many times as the number of SSD. Each time you need to repeat the name of the exam, the grade obtained and the number of credits for each SSD;
  • Unpassed exams: you will be able to add the grades and dates of these exams at a later stage (after the submission of your application) but no later than the deadline for enrolment
For the correct evaluation of your application, you need to enter your full Personal Study Plan – including the exams which you have not passed,  any internships, your Final Project, for a total of 180 credits. 
If you want to transfer to a Master’s degree programme, you need to enter the information related to the Master’s exams that you have already taken at the university of origin. If you haven’t earned your Bachelor’s degree yet on the date of submission,  you will have to go back to your application and add this  information (date of degree conferral and final grade) as soon as you get your degree.After adding the information on the “Degree obtained” you can modify your data by contacting the Office of Student Services using the ticketing service (“Ticket” section).  
“Language skills”  section
In this section you need to enter the information on your English language certificate (you can submit your application even if you do not have a certificate yet, but you will have to add a scanned copy of your certificate within the deadline for enrolment).  
Politecnico needs to verify your IELTS results: Therefore you need to enter the TRF number of your IELTS certificate on your Apply@polito personal page. You can find this number on your certificate or in the message you received by e-mail when the results were published
If you have a certificate issued by Cambridge Assessment English/ Cambridge English Language Assessment, you must provide your Candidate’s ID Number and Candidate’s Secret Number. You can find these numbers in the message you received by e-mail after the exam registration.  In both cases you do not need to upload any scanned copy of your English certificate.
If you have a Cambridge certificate without Candidate’s ID Number and Candidate’s Secret Number (this is the case if you got your certificate before this service became operational) you must tick the box “Dichiaro di non essere in possesso dei codici richiesti” and upload a scanned copy of your certificate to this apply@polito section.   If you have an  English certificate other than IELTS or Cambridge (but included in the list of accepted certificates published on the CLA website) you must upload a scanned copy of your certificate to this apply@polito section. You will also have to show your original certificate to the Office of Student Services on the day of the appointment for the delivery of your smart card.  
It usually takes a long time before you receive an hard copy of a language certificate. We suggest you get your English certificate well in advance so you will be able to meet the application deadline.  
We remind you that any English language exam (graded or ungraded) that you have passed while you were enrolled at another university IS NOT accepted by Politecnico in substitution for IELTS 5.0.     
“Select your programme” section 
In this section you have to choose the Master’s degree programme/s you want to apply for. You can select maximum two Master’s degree programmes to submit for evaluation.
We remind you that you will not be able to modify your choices after you submit your application.  
“Save and Submit” section
Make sure that all the information is correct before you click the SUBMIT/SEND button. 

All data entered on the portal are accompanied by a self-certification within the meaning of art.46 of D.P.R no.445 of 28/12/200 and further amendments: candidates declare that they are aware of the criminal penalties applicable in case of false declarations (art.76) and the forfeiture of the rights they might have acquired (art. 75).
Politecnico will receive your application for admission only if you SUMBIT it within the deadline illustrated in the Deadlines section.