Master's degree programmes 2019 - 2020
(students with italian degree)
suitable academic performance
 (cambia corso)
Corsi di laurea
Applicants from other Universities
If your Bachelor’s degree was awarded by a university other than Politecnico di Torino, you are required to
have a weighted average grade of all the exams(1) equal to or greater than 24/30, regardless of how long it took you to earn your Bachelor’s degree.
Furthermore, it is necessary to pass the admission test
The result of the admission test will be published on your personal page of the Apply@polito platform.
The weighted average grade (1) is calculated on all accrued course credits (graded on a scale of 30) counting towards the achievement of the Bachelor’s degree. Please note that numbers are not rounded

(1) The weighted average grade is calculated as follows: (grade*credits) /credits