Master's degree programmes 2019 - 2020
(students with italian degree)
Advancing your Master's courses
Admissions A.Y. 2019/2020
If you are enrolled in a Bachelor’s degree programme at Politecnico and you are going to graduate after October 2018 (December 2019 or March 2020), you can advance  some of your Master’s courses (in order to take them while you are still a Bachelor’s student) . In this case, please check the admission requirements for  academic year 2019/2020. 
If you are going to graduate in September and October, you DO NOT need to prepare your PSP/APSP for the new academic year. After graduation you will be able to enrol in the Master’s degree programme and fill in the corresponding PSP/APSP. For this reason you do not need to advance any Master’s course.
You can advance some exams belonging to your future Master’s degree programme and take them during your Bachelor’s studies. You can anticipate ONLY first-semester courses of your Master’s first year, and only if you meet the following requirements:  
  • you have been admitted to a Master’s degree programme (we remind you that you can apply for admission if you have earned at least 140 credits during your Bachelor’s degree programme)
  • at the end of the autumn examination session (September) you have maximum 23 credits still unearned (including foreign language exam and  Final Project) before you achieve your Bachelor’s degree.
You can apply for admission to a Master’s degree programme and request to advance some of your Master’s courses even if you do not have a language certificate yet (and your Apply page displays the following message «Language requirements unfunfilled»)
How to advance your Master’s courses
To include these courses in your APSP, follow the procedure for the creation of your APSP (Student Guide 2019/2020  - Continuing students - Enrolling for years after the first: Personal Study Plan (PSP) and Annual Personal Study Plan (APSP) - Advancing  Master's courses).
Once you have been admitted to the Master’s degree programme you have chosen, you will be able to visualize the Master’s courses that can be advanced. They will be displayed in violet.
You can advance the courses which belong to all the Master’s degree programmes (and all the majors available within the Master's degree programme) you have applied for. This means that if you applied for two programmes, you can add the courses of  both programmes to your APSP. 
Advancing some Master’s courses IS NOT equivalent to enrolling in a Master’s degree programme. Enrolment will be possible only after you get your  Bachelor’s diploma.
If you included in your APSP the Master’s courses that you want to advance but at end of the September examination session you still have more than unearned 23 credits to graduation,  these courses will be deleted from your APSP(1)
(1) our offices will verify this requirement after the exams taken in September are registered by the teaching staff. Therefore the results might become available at the end of October)  
Please note that:
  • Master’s courses can be advanced one time only during the entire duration of your Bachelor’s degree programme.         
  • If you advanced some Master’s courses but you do no longer meet the requirements for this operation, these courses will be automatically removed from your APSP.
  • Courses which have been advanced (attended but not passed and/or passed and registered) will be automatically transferred to your Master’s APSP
  • You are not allowed to advance any course offered in second -semester
  • If you advanced some Master’s courses, but you do not get your Bachelor’s degree by March, these courses will remain on your APSP and you will be able to take the corresponding exams during the summer and autumn examination session
  • If you pass the English language exam in the September IELTS session, the English credits will not count towards the limit of unearned credits allowed for advancing Master’s courses (max. 23 unearned credits) 
  • Internships (already included in  your APSP in previous academic years) and recorded  in your transcript before 31st December will not count towards the limit of unearned credits allowed for advancing Master’s courses (max. 23 unearned credits 
  • If you advanced some Master's course and then decide to enrol in a different Master’s degree programme, you will not be able to include any new first-semester course in your APSP.