Master's degree programmes 2019 - 2020
(students with italian degree)
 (cambia corso)
Corsi di laurea
Master's Degree Programmes in 
Opening time frame for online application (through for admissions to Master's degree programmes28th June 2019
Application deadline (through for admissions to Master's degree programmes.
Applicants from Politecnico di Torino not suitabe to enrol directly and all applicants from other Universities will have to upload the portfolio too.
22nd August 2019
Publication of results of the evaluation of portfolio within 30th August 2019
Deadline for the definition of the annual personal study plan for students of Politecnico di Torino that advance courses of the Master Degree Programmes20th September 2019
Deadline for enrolment in first year of Master's degree programmes and choice of curricular subjects, Ateliers, Labs, Design Units allocated to students on the basis of a merit ranking list (for students who graduated within the July 2019 session only) 24th September 2019
Deadline for transfer requirement at the University of origin after having obtained the eligibility for admission to a Master’s degree programme at Politecnico27th September 2019
Deadline for enrolment in first year of Master's degree programmes for students who graduated within the September 2019 session - Master's degree programmes of Collegio di Architettura (only students who enrol within the 26th September 2019 will have the possibility to select the preference list of courses, Labs, Atelier and Design Units allocated by a merit ranking)2nd October 2019
Opening of the time frame for the choice of Ateliers, Labs, Design Units with available seats for students who have not selected the preference list within the 26th September 2019 10th October 2019
Opening time frame for enrolment in Singles courses for students who do not meet the Language requirement (select the preference list of courses, Labs, Atelier and Design Units with available seats)10th October 2019
Deadline for the choice of Ateliers, Labs and Design Units with available seats for students who have not selected the preference list within the 26th September 2019 14th October 2019
Deadline for enrolment in Singles courses for students who do not meet the Language requirement (select the preference list of courses, Labs, Atelier and Design Units with available seats)14th October 2019
Deadline for enrolment in first year of Master's degree programmes for students who graduated in the period 30th September  - 31st October 2019 only with a positive evaluation of the exemption request) and choice of curricular subjects, Ateliers, Labs, Design Units and  allocated to students on the basis of available seats  - 4th November 2019
Deadline for enrolment in first year of Master's degree programmes (for internal students who advanced first-semester courses of the Master’s first year and graduated within the December 2019 session only) 23rd January 2020
Deadline for enrolment in first year of Master's degree programmes (for internal students who advanced first-semester courses of the Master’s first year and graduated within the February 2020 session only) 
2nd March 2020
9th March 2020
Deadline for enrolling in Master’s degree programmes – for students who have enrolled in Single courses for lack of the English requirement and obtained the English language certificate required for admission2ndMarch 2020