2nd level Specializing Master's Programme in
Climate Change: Adaptation and mitigation solutions (2020 - 2021)
career opportunities
If the right policies to promote a greener economy are put in place, by 2030, about 24 million new jobs will be created globally. 
In September 2020, the number of open job positions including the keyword "climate change" is more than 2500 in the EU and nearly 10.000 on a global scale*.Most of these positions are open to graduate candidates only. 
This Specializing Master's programme helps young graduates and professionals to enter this market, by offering a specialized training suitable for positions as climate-change specialists in the innovation and sustainability departments of companies and other types of organizations. These include companies dealing with:infrastructure-resilience and energy transition issues, urban planning and development, insurance and finance, research and development of innovative environmental technologies, certification companies, academic and/or research institutes, government agencies, international organizations, and NGOs.
*Source: LinkedIn