2nd level Specializing Master's Programme in
Climate Change: Adaptation and mitigation solutions (2020 - 2021)
participation and enrolment fee
The participation fee is 4.000,00 Euro (four thousand/00) + 21,00 Euro (twentyone/00)** for the enrolment fee. The total amount must be paid to Politecnico di Torino according to the following instalments: 
  • 1000,00 Euro (one thousand/00) as advance fee by the date defined by Politecnico as the deadline for accepting the offer of admission to the Specializing Master's programme. You will receive the advance fee payment request in the same day of the publication of the selection outcomes. You will be given a week to proceed with payment. This payment is mandatory to confirm your participation in the Specializing Master’s programme; failure to send payment within the aforementioned terms is considered as final renunciation to the programme;
  • 2000,00 Euro (two thousand/00) + 21,00 Euro (twentyone/00) at the time of enrolment (approximately January 2021);
  • 1000,00 Euro (one thousand/00) within six months from the enrolment.
The participation fee and the enrolment fee can be paid through the Apply@Polito platform.
Your advance fee (1.000 Euro) can be reimbursed only in the following cases:
  • if the Italian Embassy does not issue your Visa (for extra-EU citizens only)
  • if the programme does not start, which happens only if the minimum number of participants is not reached.
If you withdraw from the programme or are excluded from it, you will not be reimbursed your participation fee and enrolment fee under any circumstances.
Admitted students still have to pay € 21,00 detailed as follow:
  1. Premium for accident insurance: € 5,00
  2. Enrolment revenue stamp: € 16,00.
The insurance premium may change due to new rules adopted by Edisu and to the stipulation of an insurance contract.
The issue of the Diploma of the 2nd level Specializing Master’s programme in “Climate Change: adaptation and mitigation solutions” requires the payment of a revenue stamp.
Politecnico di Torino offers to the programme’s participants the opportunity to benefit of participation fee-waiver, for more information about it have a lool at Financial support section.
Your participation can be also sponsored by third parties, check here the procedure to follow .
**16,00 Euro enrolment revenue stamp + 3,53 Euro premium for accident insurance. The insurance premium may change due to the stipulation of a new insurance contract.