2nd level Specializing Master's Programme in
Climate Change: Adaptation and mitigation solutions (2020 - 2021)
Selection outcomes
The Selection's Commettee has evaluated all the applications received. The following tab contains the list,  ranked by merit, of candidates admitted to the 2nd level Specializing Master's programme in "Climate Change: adaptation and mitigation solutions" (2020/2021):
1F40190788,36 admitted 
2F40403386,38 admitted 
4F17333082,00 admitted 
5F40494980,50   admitted**
6F40395179,68  admitted 
7F25712979,50 admitted 
8F40464179,30 admitted 
9 F404665 79,00 admitted 
10 F404789 78,50 admitted 
11F34200678,00 admitted 
12F40236977,42   admitted**
 F403952 76,91 admitted 
14 F404764 76,40 admitted 
 F404804 76,00 admitted 
 F281478 75,77 admitted 
 F402997 74,50 admitted 
 F404320 74,00 admitted 
F24291073,36 admitted 
 F404850 72,88 admitted 
21 F294574 72,50 admitted 
 F404134 72,00 admitted 
 F402403 71,50 admitted 
 F284174 70,73 admitted 
 F215420 68,91 admitted 
* You can find your username on the "Main" or "Save and Submit/Riepilogo e Conferma" section of your Apply@polito personal page.
**Candidates who have not yet obtained the Master of Science's degree are provisonally accepted. In case they will not obtain the degree within the enrolment
deadline they will not be admitted to the programme
In case one or more candidates won't confirm their participation by  December 4th at 1:00 p.m. (Italian time), the position will be re-assigned to candidates on the reserve list according to their position. The candidates placed on the reserve list will be contacted only in case of renunciation of admitted candidates, and they will be given a deadline to confirm their participation.
Reserve List
26F404635  66,50 
27F404799   66,00  
28F404441   64,68  
29F187557  64,41 
30F404513  64,09 
31 F388203   62,14 
32F404950  61,93 
33F304207  61,50 
34F209941  60,95 
35F282776  60,68 
36F404316  58,09 
37F186956  58,00 
38F404243  57,83 
39F403373  57,50 
40F125096  57,00 
41F404872   56,68  
42F248257  56,41 
43 F311983  56,36 
44 F403444  56,30 
45  F318568   56,05 
46 F404276     54,59**
47 F354577  54,41 
48 F268464   53,09  
49  F404573   52,00 
50 F404390  51,82 
51  F360456   51,77 
52 F339175  49,23 
53 F374868  48,55 
54F385207     47,19**
55 F382461  46,86 
56F284171  46,23 
57F272478  45,27 
* You can find your username on the "Main" or "Save and Submit/Riepilogo e Conferma" section of your Apply@polito personal page.
** Candidates who have not yet obtained the Master of Science's degree are provisonally on the reserve list. In case they will not obtain the degree within the enrolment deadline they will not be on the reserve list of the programme.
Enrolment instructions
The participation fee is 4.000,00 Euro (four thousand/00) + 21, 00 Euro (twentyone/00)** for the enrolment fee.
The total amount must be paid to Politecnico di Torino according to the following instalments: 
  • 1000,00 Euro (one thousand/00) as advance fee by December 4th 2020;
  • 2000,00 Euro (two thousand/00) + 21,00 Euro (twentyone/00) at the time of enrolment (within January 15th 2021);
  • 1000,00 Euro (one thousand/00) within six months from the enrolment.
**16,00 Euro enrolment revenue stamp + 3,53 Euro premium for accident insurance. The insurance premium may change due to the stipulation of a new insurance contract.
For those benefiting of full participation fee-waiver and partial partecipation fee-waiver, please follow the instruction explained here. 
    1. download the "Participation Acceptance Declaration Form", fill it in, sign it and send it by e-mail to master.universitari@polito.it
    2. pay the advance fee of 1.000,00 €*. In order to accomplish it, please access to http://apply.polito.it/ with your credentials (Fxxxxxx and Password or Sxxxxxx and Password for Polito alumni), go to the section “Enrolment” and follow the instructions.   
      *Please note that the advance fee: will be refunded only in case of failure of VISA issuing by the Italian Embassy (for extra-EU citizens only) or in case that the programme will not be activated, which happens only if the minimum number of participants required will not be reached. It will be retained by the Politecnico di Torino in all the other cases.
    1. download the "Participation Acceptance Declaration Form", fill it in, sign it and send it by e-mail to master.universitari@polito.it
    2. pay the advance fee of 1.000,00 €*. In order to accomplish it, please access to http://apply.polito.it/ with your credentials (Fxxxxxx and Password or Sxxxxxx and Password for Polito alumni), go to the section “Enrolment” and follow the instructions.
      *Please note that: the advance fee will be refunded only in case of failure of VISA issuing by the Italian Embassy (only for extra-EU citizens) or in case the programme will not be activated, which happens only if the minimum number of participants required will not be reached. It will be retained by the Politecnico di Torino in all the other cases.
    3. send to the Politecnico di Torino the original copy of the following documents attached to the online application form by express delivery (i.e. DHL)Admission Request Form, English certificate*, Official transcript or Diploma Supplement of Master's degree.
      Please make sure that you do not have to send us the original of the diploma degree but only the original of the corresponding transcript.
      The Politecnico di Torino must receive the requested documents by January 15th 2021 to the following address:
      Politecnico di Torino - Ufficio Protocollo
      Specializing Master's in Climate Change: adaptation and mitigation solutions
      Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 10129 Torino - ITALY 
      *(for those that do not have a Bachelor's degree or a Master’s degree from a University where English is the medium of instruction)
Candidates who do not confirm their participation within the given deadline will not be able to participate in the programme.
All information concerning enrollment, visa, lesson calendar, etc. will be sent by e-mail to all the admitted candidates.