The Politecnico
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2013 - 2014
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Student guide 2013 - 2014 (ord. D.M. 270/04)
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Bachelor in
Location: Torino - Class: INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING (L-9)
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Rules for the recover of formative lack and for the update of career plan
Students enrolled on the 1st year of a BSc degree course in Engineering, who are unable to pass the exam of Mathematical Analysis I before the end of the 1st term, are required, during the second term, to attend the Mathematical Analysis I Tutoring course instead of attending the optional course.
Before updating the Study plan with new subjects, each student enrolled in the 1st  year,  is required to have earned at least a minimum of 28 credits (CFU) from the core subjects before the end of the Autumn examination session. The following 1st year subjects, Mathematical Analysis I, Chemistry, Computer Science, Physics and Geometry, are considered core subjects. English language and the optional courses, are not considered core subjects.
For students enrolled in the BSc degree course in Industrial Engineering and Management, the 28 credits threshold – necessary condition to include in the Study plan courses from the 2nd year -  is applied to all courses of the 1st year with the exclusion of the language courses. Students who did not cross the threshold of 28 credits (CFU) are not allowed to attend the 2nd year abroad at the partner university.
Students who cross the 28 credits (CFU) threshold before the end of the Winter examination session of the 2nd year, are allowed to attend courses from the second term of the 2nd year, in accordance with the pre-requisites rules. Students who opted for part-time study may ask to change to full-time study by the 17th of March 2014.

Further information on the definition of the Study plan can be found in the section on Inadequate study performance and update of Study plan.