The Politecnico
Students - Companies - Schools
2013 - 2014
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Student guide 2013 - 2014 (ord. D.M. 270/04)
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Bachelor in
Location: Torino - Class: INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING (L-9)
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Tuition Fees
Payment procedures
Students can pay fees in the following ways:
  • bank transfer to postal current account n. 259101, headed: Politecnico di Torino - Gestione tasse scolastiche - Servizio tesoreria - Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 - 10129 Torino. Print the form on the personal webpage: “Stampa il bollettino postale per il pagamento delle tasse/print the postal form for paying fees”. Since audits are periodically carried out, keep the receipt for showing.
  • ATM (Bancomat) at Registrar’s Office desks. Fees can be paid by ATM even at self-service boxes if the student already has the student smart card (except in Biella and Verrès); at the end of the operation it’s possible to receive a receipt. 
  • Visa and MasterCard credit cards (no American Express); it’s possible to use PostePayA 1% commission will be charged.  At the end of the operation it’s possible to receive a receipt.
  •  It’s not possible to pay fees using bank transfer. 
Information about fees, reductions and deadlines can be found in Regolamento Tasse 13/14  published in August on:
Deadlines are also on Academic calendar 2013/14.

Fees reduction
Students have to apply for obtaining a fees reduction.

Information can be found in Fee Regulation 13/14
Full-time students
Politecnico evaluates financial conditions of the student as stated by the ISEE/ISEEU declaration to assign reductions. The payment shall be made in two solutions:
·     Students enrolling for the first year shall pay the first instalment when enrolling, and the second one within March 31, 2014;
·   Students enrolling from the second year on shall pay the first instalment within Novembre 29, 2013 and the second one within March 31, 2014

Part-time students
Part-time students can’t have fees reduction neither for financial conditions nor for scholarships. 
Thay have to pay a fixed fee, plus an amount of money for each credit inserted in plan of study. See Fee Regulation 13/14