Credito Formativo Universitario, “University
Educational Credit”, corresponding to 25 hours each) is the unit of measurement
of the workload required to students by different educational activities. The
workload required by any course activated in different study courses is
measured in credits. For example, a course valued 6 credits will require a
medium workload of 150 hours, 60 of which will be destined to teaching and the
rest of it to individual study. The other educational activities (as thesis,
final project and internship) are measured in credits too. The study plan is
obtained by adding up all the credits of the teaching and educational
activities expected for the academic year. Credits are also necessary to define
the overall study plan necessary to acquire an educational qualification, as
Bachelor of Science
(I level) 180 cfu
Master of Science (II level): 120 cfu (only for students who have already
earned a I level Degree)
The total amount of
credits in the study plan includes internship, final project and foreign
language exam; contingent exams advanced from Master of Science are excluded
from the total amount.
Students can insert
in their study plan
10 extra credits in addition to the 180 cfu expected for
the Bachelor of Science and to the 120 cfu expected for Master of Science.