Master's degree programmes 2019 - 2020
(students with italian degree)
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Call for applicationsfor the international major ofthe Master’s degree programme in Nanotechnologies for ITCs (Nanotecnologie per le ICT) a.y. 2020-2021
Call for applications for the international major ofthe Master’s degree programme in Physics of Complex Systems (Fisica dei sistemi complessi)a.y. 2020-2021
Admissions 2020/21
Master's degree programme in in Ingegneria Gestionale/Engineering and Management
For the academic year 2020/2021 candidates with a Bachelor's degree in another Italian University in order to be eligible for the admission to the Master's degree programme in Engineering and Management/Ingegneria Gestionale have to possess an average grade of  25/30
Extension of student deadlines due to the COVID-19 emergency situation 
After the publication of the Rector Decree n.219 of 29/02/2020 the following Apply deadlines have been extended as follows: 
Application deadline (through Apply@polito) for admissions to Master's degree programmes in second semester29/02/202014/03/2020
Deadline for enrolling in Master’s degree programmes – for students who have enrolled in single courses and obtained the English language certificate required for admission (Engineering area)31/03/202013/06/2020
Deadline for enrolling in Master’s degree programmes – for students who graduate by the March 2020  Graduation Period - degree class L-17 (only for internal students who advanced their Master's courses) 02/03/202009/03/2020
Deadline for enrolling in the Master's degree programme in Systemic Design and in Territorial, Urban, Enviromental and Landscape Planning - for students who graduate by the Masrch 2020 Graduation period 05/03/2020Entro 7 giorni lavorativi dal conseguimento della laurea
Master's degree programmes - SECOND SEMESTER -Deadline for online enrolment31/03/202015/05/2020
Master's degree programmes - SECOND SEMESTER for students with an ITALIAN DEGREEDeadline for enrolling in Master’s degree programmes – for students missing the language requirement(a. y. 19/20) Engineering Area31/03/202013/06/2020
Deadline for sending the request to Dual career programme31/03/202013/06/2020