Master's degree programmes 2020 - 2021
(students with italian degree)
PROCEDURe for applicants from other universities
Update 26/11/2020
The enrolment process has two phases and is considered completed upon the conclusion of both phases. 
First phase of enrolment:
To enroll in the Master’s degree programme you have chosen need to: 
  • add the information on your Bachelor’s degree to your application form (date of degree conferral and final grade) 
  • confirm the information you have previously inserted;
  • click on “Procedi con l’immatricolazione/Enrol”. 
  • pay the first installment of your tuition fees as provided for by the Tuition Fee Guide and Regulations 2020/21. 
  Payment methods are the following:
  1. Credit cards (or other payment methods available on the PagoPA platform) generating an immediate payment;
  2. Pre-printed notice of payment (MAV on the PagoPA platform), generating a deferred payment. The use of a deferred payment method at point 2 is valid solely and exclusively if it is supported by a self-declaration of the payment date certifying that the payment was made before the deadline and in Italian territory. This declaration must be submitted by the same deadline.
Should the self-declaration be found to be false or incorrect, the first phase of online enrolment will be canceled and the applicant will lose the right to enroll at Politecnico for the academic year 2020/21 
At the end of the payment phase, the system will show you you student number, ID and password to acces your personal page and a calendar of dates from which you can choose an appointment to collect your Smart Card at the Office of the University Registrar (in person). Collecting your Smart Card is not compulsory (for this reason, you are free not to book any appointment).
Please note that if you do not pick up your Smart Card, you will not be able to make use of some services, such as book loans, entrance to the computer labs, and use of printers in the labs. If you want to book/change the appointment later you can do it from the apply@polito section of your personal page.
Completing the payment phase does NOT mean that you have concluded the enrolment process. You still need to go through the second phase of the enrolment process.  
Update 26/11/2020
Second phase of enrolment
The system will inform you if your enrolment is not complete on your personal page of the Teaching Portal – Message: “Enrolment not completed”
Please note that you will have limited access to the services available on your personal page of the Teaching Portal (e.g. you cannot request enrolment certificates and cannot register for any exam, etc.) until you complete the enrolment process.  The second phase of the enrolment process consists of your identification and in the verification of your personal information. To do so you have two options: 
  1. Identification and verification of personal data on the date of the appointment for the Smart Card (in person) following the instructions you find in the paragraph about the first phase
  2. Remote identification and verification of personal data. You will have to book an online appointment from you personal page
The booking procedure is accessible from your personal page of the teaching portal, by entering the section LA MIA DIDATTICA, box LE MIE PRENOTAZIONI and clicking on "Vai al Tool Prenotazioni".  
Within the section "Ambiti per i quali è possibile effettuare la prenotazione" click on "Segreteria Didattica di Ingegneria" and then on "Immatricolazione da completare". 
The appointments available are highlighted in blue.
Click on one of the available shifts to book it.
The URL to access the virtual classroom is in the booking box. Once the operator has verified the required document the enrollment procedure will be completed and starting from the day after you will be able to see your status as ATTIVO on your personal page.
 Conditional enrolment 
If you do not have the required English language certificate at the moment of enrollment you will be enrolled “with condition” (conditional enrolment). This provisional condition must be dropped by 30th June 2021 either:
  • by presenting your language certificate to the Office of the University Registrar on      the date of the appointment for the Smart Card;
  • by opening a ticket (topic Academic Career)and attaching the language certificate.  
  If you not deliver the language certificate within  30th June 2021* your career will be blocked.

*Update of 24/03/2021 On 23/03/2021 The Academic Senate has approved the extension of the deadline to submit the English language certificate for students enrolled in a.y 2020/21 who submitted the Language declaration for covid-19 to 31st December 2021. If the graduation takes place before the 31st December, the deadline to submit the certificate would be the one for the registration for the final examination