2nd level Specializing Master's Programme in
Additive Manufacturing (2019 - 2020)
at a glance
NEW!!!Applications reopen from 1st September (Rector's Decree 737/2020 below)
The Master's programme is offered in the apprenticeship format (Apprendistato di Alta Formazione e di Ricerca) and it has been designed in close cooperation with partner companies involved in the educational project. The objective of the programme is to train young, motivated newly-graduated engineers in order to create a new generation of high-level specialists in the field of additive manufacturing.  This programme is designed to prepare future Technical Leaders, Project Managers, Industrial Operational Leaders, Mechanical Designers, Software Designers and Spare Parts Managers.  The peculiarity of these international professional profiles is to merge technical and managerial expertise for the implementation and management of Additive Manufacturing.
As a consequence, the 2nd level Specializing Master’s programme offers its participants a unique opportunity to be trained in an international environment and to gain work experience by getting involved in high-level projects.
A project proposal for this 2nd level Specializing Master’s programme will be submitted for funding to Regione Piemonte in the framework of a specific regional call for proposals (Apprendistato di Alta Formazione e di Ricerca (Art. 45 - D. Lgs. n. 81/2015) – Aggiornamento dell’Avviso pubblico approvato con Determinazione n. 537. 03/08/2016, Deliberazione della Giunta regionale n. 37-3617 del 11/07/2016 e n. 18/6767 del 20/04/2018” di cui alla D.D. n. 1486 del 17/12/2018).
In accordance with the above mentioned call for proposals, selected candidates will be hired by the partner companies and upon completion of the programme they will attain a 2nd level Specializing Master’s diploma.
Deadline: 3rd November 2020 2:00 p.m. (Italian time)
16th April 2020 2:00 p.m. (Italian time)
Coordinator: Prof. Luca Iuliano (DIGEP)
Language: English
Time schedule: from January 2021 to January 2023
Number of participants: 11
ECTS (European credit transfer system): 72 CFU
Partner Companies: 
 Period: 2 years 
Campus: Politecnico - Lingotto 
The application period is open from March to April September to November, but during the entire application period the partner companies can contact the applicants who satisfy both the compulsory requirements and the corporate selection criteria.