2nd level Specializing Master's Programme in
Additive Manufacturing (2019 - 2020)
selection outcomes
Following the selection process carried out by the partner companies, please find below the list of candidates, listed by the user id received by apply@polito, that are admitted to the II level specializing master in Additive Manufacturing :

ATLA S.r.l.: 
  • F303993
  • F319959 
  • F248822 
  • F377171
 IRIS S.r.l.: 
  • F400500
LMA S.r.l. :
  • F248408
MAGNA S.r.l.:
  • F280679
  • F405199
MAGNA S.r.l.:
  • F280679
  • F405199
Mavtech S.r.l.:
  • F305298
Prima Industrie S.p.a.: 
  • F258261
  • F336989
3D New Technologies S.r.l.: 
  • F377481
  • F352399
In case one or more candidates should not confirm their participation, the following companies, in line with the ranking, will re-assigned the position.  Candidates placed on the reserve list will be contacted only in case of renunciation of admitted candidates and they will be given a deadline to confirm their participation.
Reserve list ATLA S.r.l. : 
  • F341607 First reserve
  • F401312 Second reserve
Reserve list IRIS S.r.l.:
  • F258261 First reserve
  • F280725 Second reserve
Reserve list PRIMA INDUSTRIE S.p.a.:
  • F280725 First reserve
  • F311144 Second reserve
  • F352399 Third reserve 
  • F386108 Fourth reserve
Reserve list 3DN-NT S.r.l.:
  • F280725 
Further information about confirmation and enrollment requirements will be sent by e-mail to all admitted candidates.
Politecnico di Torino presented a funding request in the framework of the regional call for proposals aimed at funding training options for apprenticeships (Avviso Pubblico per la realizzazione dei percorsi formativi per: Laurea triennale e magistrale, Diploma Accademico di I e II livello, Master di I e II livello, Dottorato di Ricerca e Diploma Accademico di Formazione alla Ricerca, Attività di Ricerca - in attuazione della D.G.R. n. 37-3617 del 11/07/2016).
STATUS: in attesa di finanziamento