2nd level Specializing Master's Programme in
Additive Manufacturing (2019 - 2020)
How to apply
April 16th November 3rd 2020 at 2:00 p.m. (Italian time)
Applications for the 2nd Level Specializing Master's Programme must be completed on line.  Please DO NOT apply by e-mail, fax or mail – those applications will NOT be accepted.
Procedure for candidates holding a Master's degree from Politecnico di Torino (or candidates who already have a “username” provided by the “Apply” service)
  • make sure that you meet the admission requirements of the 2nd Level Specializing Master's Programme;
  • if you are a student (or former student) at Politecnico, log into your personal page of the Teaching Portal (Portale della Didattica), go to “Segreteria online”, and click on “Apply@polito”; if you forgot your password click here
  • if you already have an Apply username, but you have never been enrolled at Politecnico, you shall use the access credentials (username and password) previously assigned to you. In case you forgot your username or password, click here
  • fill in each section of the online Application Form within the relevant deadline, selecting the level (2nd level Specializing Master's Programme) and the programme title;
  • attach to your Application Form the required supporting documents (possibly in pdf format). The supporting documents must be written in English or Italian only;
  • Send your Application Form (save and submit).
If the form is not completely and correctly filled in your application will not be processed.
Procedure for candidates holding a Master's degree from another Italian or foreign university 
  • make sure that you meet the admission requirements of the Specializing Master's Programme;
  • fill in each section of the online Application Form within the relevant deadline, after having completed the registration and having provided your personal details. You will receive an e-mail from Politecnico with your username and password: you need to click on the link you find in the body of the e-mail (for your first access only), log in and select the level (2nd level Specializing Master's Programme) and the programme title; 
  • attach to your Application Form the required supporting documents (possibly in pdf format). The supporting documents must be written in English or Italian only;
  • Send your Application Form (save and submit).
If the form is not completely and correctly filled in your application will not be processed.

For further information:
Ufficio Master e Formazione permanente - Politecnico di Torino
Phone: (+39) 011.090 6128