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Bachelor in
Location: Torino - Class: INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING (L-9)
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"Master of Science of the University of Illinois at Chicago": TOP - UIC
General info 
From 1997, Politecnico di Torino offers to its students the chance to obtain a Master of Science (MSc) at University of Illinois Chicago (UIC),  acquiring a USA valid title and international competences. 

TOP-UIC is a joint study program of 120 credits. From a.y. 2010/2011 it involves a semester at UIC Chicago.

Politecnico di Torino offers a study program which runs parallel to the following Master degrees: Mechanical Engineering, Energetic and Nuclear Engineering, Computer Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Electronic Engineering and Master of Science della University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). Lessons are taught in English Language in Politecnico (I year II semester) and in UIC (II year I semester).  Thesis is discussed in UIC, but its writing can be performed in Politecnico or UIC as the student prefers. 
This program degree is the same obtainable at UIC.  
The courses are equivalent to Politecnico Master degree courses. 
Admission requirements

It’s necessary to have a Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Energetic Engineering, Computer Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering, Electronic Engineering, obtained in an Italian University or equivalent title in a foreign University. 
Gradutes in Politecnico di Torino are automatically admitted. Degrees from other universities shall be evaluated by the Commission in charge. 
Other requirements are: 
- enrolment on Master degree in Mechanical Engineering, Energetic and Nuclear Engineering, Computer Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Electronic Engineering. 
-  24/30 average Bachelor degree score (and the same for Master degree first semester);
-  TOEFL certificate obtained within admission year September 15, with the following scores:
         writing        21
         speaking    20
         listening      17
         reading       19
         Total score: 80
- IELTS certificate with 6.5 minium score (sub-scores shall not be below 6.0).
If the admission is obtained, enrolment to Politecnico is compulsory. 
Costs and financial support
Usually high tuition fees shall be paid by foreign students to the USA Universities. Thanks to this program there are some facilitations, as tuition fees amount is the same paid by the Illinois residents.  A foreign student would normally pay 28.000 USD, while a Politecnico student pays about 14.000 USD for the whole program. To support the best students, Politecnico offers a part of the American fees, amounting to 6500 Euro. Politecnico fees are at the student expense. 
This financial support depends on attending and academic grades reasons. The amount varies every year.  
Further info
As the program characteristic can fastly change, we invite students to: 
- attend the meetings;
- contact the persons in charge;
- check info on the Politecnico website. 
For ECE - Information Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering, Electronic Engineering:
Prof. Giuseppe VECCHI
Tel: 011 090 4055
Fax: 011 090 4099
For MPE - Mechanical Engineering:
Prof. Muzio GOLA
Tel: 011 090 6926
Fax: 011 090 6999
For – Energetic and Nuclear Engineering:
Prof. Carlo Marco MASOERO
Tel: 011 090 4441
Administrative representatives
International Office
Tel: 011 090 8664
Fax: 011 090 8666