The Specializing Masters Programmes and Lifelong Learning School fosters continuous dialogue with the socio-economic system and it develops training activities in partnership with private companies and external institutions, at international level as well.
Thanks to its network of contacts and the cooperation with the industry, the School delivers innovative training projects on subjects of mutual interest.
1st and 2nd level Specializing Masters Programmes are one of the tools available to private companies and institutions wishing to cooperate with our University. Such programmes can be co-designed in partnership, or offered in accordance with the apprenticeship format. All training programmes, either planned with or for private enterprises, foster skills development (the know-how), provide a cross-cutting dimension and intend to include the new frontiers of scientific knowledge in their course contents.
These programmes have an interactive and flexible teaching approach, which includes workshops, lectures delivered by experts and professionals of the sector and case-based activities, aiming at enhancing management and problem solving skills.
It is also possible to experience new e-learning methods (such as the MOC, Massive On-line Courses), so that distance learning blends with traditional face-to-face education.
Moreover, Politecnico cooperates with private companies through an array of other tools: the possibility for a company to activate internships for the students of the Specializing Masters Programmes, the funding of scholarships for high achieving students, monetary contributions, the partnership of our initiatives, and the implementation of dedicated events.
For further information and inquiries about these opportunities, please contact: Office of Specializing Masters Programmes and Lifelong Learning