Master's degree programmes 2021 - 2022
(students with italian degree)
Credit Transfer/recognition of previously earned credits
To enrol in a Master’s degree programme at Politecnico and obtain the recognition of your previously earned credits (credit transfer), you need to have one of the following degrees: 
  • Master’s degree - Laurea Magistrale D.M. 270/04
  • Laurea Specialistica D.M. 509/99
  • Five-year degree - Laurea quinquennale ordinamento previgente D.M. 509/99.
 If you have one of the above-mentioned degrees, you are required to submit your previous academic records for an evaluation through the Apply@polito portal by the deadlines. Your previous academic records will be assessed by a Teaching Committee in order to:
  • verify if you meet the admission requirements of the Master’s degree programme you have chosen, i.e.: 
    • suitable academic performance 
    • curricular requirements
    • language requirements
  • recognize your previously earned credits (for forfeited students, withdrawn students and credits earned at a foreign university)
You are required to pay 100 euro for the evaluation of your previous academic records. This amount is due also if you have studied at Politecnico.
Credit recognition after withdrawal/forfeiture
  • enter the data regarding your interrupted studies  (if you have studied at another University) on the Apply@polito portal;
  • upload the course syllabus of each exam that you passed (only if taken at another University);
  • pay € 150  (if you are asking for the recognition of credits that have not been earned at Politecnico). This sum will not be deducted from your tuition fees when you enrol.
The evaluation of your academic records for credit transfer will be available on your personal page of the Teaching Portal. You can accept or reject the validation of your previous exams. If you accept the evaluation of the Teaching Committee, you will have to pay € 16.00 for each credit that has been recognized. You have 30 working days to make this payment which is due only if you have studied at another university. After paying,  your student status will be updated and it will no longer be possible to make any change.
Students admitted to a Master's degree programme must earn a minimum of 50 credits (excluding the thesis credits) at Politecnico di Torino in order to get their Master’s degree.
Enrolment can take place after the outcome of the evaluation which will be available in the Evaluations section of the Apply@polito portal.