Master's degree programmes 2021 - 2022
(students with italian degree)
Curricular Requirements
Admissions A.Y. 2021/22
The curricular requirements for admission to Politecnico Master’s degree programmes are:  
  • three-year Bachelor's degree or university diploma, or other suitable academic qualification obtained outside Italy and considered suitable for admission; 
  • competencies and knowledge acquired during your Bachelor’s studies, expressed in credits (ECTS), as further below specified:
    • minimum 40 credits in core subjects (45 credits are required for admission to the Master’s degree programme in Mathematical Engineering):   
    • minimum 60 credits in specific and complementary subjects (attività caratterizzanti ed affini

The evaluation of your curricular requirements is carried out by a Teaching Committee. If you have chosen a Master's degree programme that is different from your Bachelor's degree programme, the result of the evaluation will be available in about 10-20 days.
Each course can be linked to one or more Scientific Disciplinary Field (SSD).  Each Scientific Disciplinary Field can be associated to either core subjects or to specific/complementary subjects. When a course provides credits that are valid for various Scientific Disciplinary Fields:
  • credits are counted as credits for core subjects in the first place;
  • residual credits are counted as credits for specific/complementary subjects.
This means that some course credits are counted to reach the minimum threshold for core subjects, while the remaining credits are counted to reach the threshold required for specific/complementary subjects. If you have reached the threshold in one field, but you lack less than 10 credits in the other field (core subjects or specific/complementary subjects) the Teaching Committee will consider if there are similarities among the Scientific Disciplinary Fields and provide guidance.
If you lack more than 10 credits the evaluation of the similarities among the Scientific Disciplinary Fields will be subject to the final approval of the Coordinator or Vice Coordinator of the programme.
If you do not meet the curricular requirements, you will have to make up for your unfulfilled curricular requirements (credits) before you enrol in the Master’s degree programme you have chosen. You can:  
  • enrol in a Bachelor’s degree programme if your unfulfilled curricular requirements are worth more than 60 credits. 

 The Professional Bachelor’s degree programme in INDUSTRIAL MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES is characterized by a lower number of credits in Engineering core subjects compared to the curricula of other Bachelor’s degree programmes. Therefore, applicants with a degree in INDUSTRIAL MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES who intend to enrol in a Master's degree programme of the Engineering area are required to enrol in single courses or in a Bachelor’s degree programme in order to make up for their unfulfilled curricular requirements.
PLEASE NOTE: in compliance with the Regulations of the degree programmes of Politecnico, the curricular requirements for admission to a Master's degree programme are evaluated based on the Bachelor’s degree submitted by the applicant during the application process.
The Scientific Disciplinary Fields associated to the credits earned by an applicant during additional learning paths (e.g. additional Bachelor’s degree, single courses, etc.) do not count towards the credits threshold for core subjects or towards the credit threshold for specific/complementary subjects. In this case, it is up to the Teaching Committee to evaluate the credits earned by the applicant during his/her additional learning path.
Single courses taken at Politecnico di Torino to make up for unfulfilled curricular requirements are an exception: the Scientific Disciplinary Fields of single courses taken at PoliTo will be automatically counted towards the attainment of the minimum number of credits required in core subjects and in specific/complementary subjects.