Admissions A.Y. 2021/22If you are enrolled in a Master’s degree programme at another Italian university and you intend to transfer to a Master’s degree programme offered by Politecnico di Torino, you must submit your previous academic records for an evaluation through the Apply@polito platform.
Your previous academic records will be assessed in order to verify if you meet the admission requirements of our Master’s degree programmes and to decide on the possible recognition of the credits that you have already earned.
Please follow the steps below:
- wait for the evaluation of your previous academic records (conducted by the Academic Advisor of the degree programme) with the possible recognition of previously earned credits. This evaluation will be available on your Apply@polito personal page – Evaluations section. The number of credits that can be recognized will be visible only after the conclusion of the evaluation process;
- before submitting your transfer out application to your current university wait until you receive an offer of admission from Politecnico. Your current university will send the Transfer Out Clearance Form to Politecnico di Torino. Upon reception of this document, our Office of Student Services will check your previous data and enable your enrolment.
Before starting any process at your current university, you should consider two different options:
- transfer (congedo): this is suggested if you have already passed some exams for which you intend to request credit transfer. In this case, the year of your first enrolment is the year when you enrolled in the Italian university system for the first time (years spent at your current university are calculated for your learning path at Politecnico);
- or else, withdrawal from studies (rinuncia agli studi): this is suggested if you have not taken any exam yet or just a few of them. After withdrawing from your current university, you will be able to enrol as a first-year Master's student at Politecnico di Torino (years spent at your current university are not calculated for your learning path at Politecnico).
We remind you that:
- The legislation on university studies prohibits the possibility to be simultaneously enrolled at more than one Italian or foreign university.
- You are required to pay a fee (100 euros) for the evaluation of your academic records. This amount will be deducted from your tuition fees if you enrol in the academic year for which you had submitted your application, but cannot be refunded in other cases.
- If you come from another university you must earn a minimum of 50 credits (excluding the thesis credits) at Politecnico di Torino in order to earn your Master’s degree.
- Transfers are possible only between Italian universities. Students from foreign universities must check the website of the Incoming Mobility Office.