Application process:
Follow these steps:
- log in to your personal page – Online services tab – Apply@polito portlet;

- select the Master’s degree programme you wish to apply for (you can apply for a maximum of 2 Master’s degree programmes. If you apply for a Master’s degree programme taught both in English and in Italian, it won’t be counted as 2 programmes, but as a single choice.e.g. Ingegneria Meccanica + Mechanical Engineering = 1 choice);
- confirm your data and submit your application.
After submitting your application you will no longer be able to modify the choices you have made.
The time required for the evaluation of your application (curricular requirements) depends on the Teaching Committee that conducts the evaluation. If you selected a Master’s degree programme other than the Bachelor’s degree programme you come from, it will take approximately 10-20 days to get the results. The outcome of your application will be available on your Apply@polito personal page – Evaluations section.
If you are admitted, a new section (COURSES/Insegnamenti) will be displayed on your Apply@polito personal page. From this section, you can choose the courses you want to take and you will see your class timetables and study materials on your personal page of the Teaching Portal.
After selecting your courses on your Apply@polito personal page, they will be displayed in the OTHER COURSES (Altri corsi) section of your personal page of the Teaching Portal (below the Annual Personal Study Plan).
Students who are going to graduate in the OCTOBER 2021 Graduation period will find in the COURSES section only their Master's first-year courses offered in the first semester.
Students who are going to graduate in the March 2022 Graduation period will find in the COURSES section only their Master's first-year courses offered in the second semester.
IMPORTANT: Selecting your courses on the Apply@polito platform is NOT equivalent to completing your Annual Personal Study Plan. You must enrol in the programme and create your Annual Personal Study Plan in order to be able to attend your courses and take the exams.