2nd level Specializing Master's Programme in
Manufacturing 4.0 (2019 - 2020)
at a glance
NEW!!!Call for Application reopened! New deadline 25th September 2020
Industry 4.0, considered as the fourth industrial revolution, is a term to describe a world in which machines interact and respond intelligently to the physical environment. It is the next phase in the digitization of the manufacturing sector and will have a deep impact on four main clusters of technologies:
  • data, computational power, and connectivity (big data, the Internet of Things IoT, and cloud technology);
  • analytics and intelligence (digitization and automation of knowledge work, advanced analytics);
  • human-machine interaction (touch interfaces, virtual and augmented reality);
  • digital-to-physical conversion (additive manufacturing i.e. 3D printing, advanced robotics e.g.human-robot collaboration, energy storage and harvesting, Machine-to-Machine)
The partner’s companies, deeply involved in the Italian Industry 4.0, require young, highly motivated recent graduates in engineering that, through this 2nd level Specializing Master’s programme, will become highly skilled engineers in the techniques of manufacturing engineering and its related technologies.
The Manufacturing 4.0 programme will provide effective careers for managers who can meet challenges in a rapidly changing global manufacturing industry with particular attention on technical as well as organizational and managerial skills.
A project proposal for this 2nd level Specializing Master’s programme will be submitted for funding to Regione Piemonte in the framework of a specific regional call for proposals (Aggiornamento dell’Avviso Pubblico approvato con Determinazione n. 537. 03/08/2016, Deliberazione della Giunta regionale n. 37-3617 del 11/07/2016 e n. 18/6767 del 20/04/2018” di cui alla D.D. n. 1486 del 17/12/2018).
In accordance with the above mentioned call for proposals, selected candidates will be hired by the partner companies and upon completion of the programme they will attain a 2nd level Specializing Master’s diploma. 
New deadline: 25th September 2020 2:00 p.m. (Italian time)
Rector's Decree 610/2020 below
April 16th, 2020, 2:00 p.m. (Italian time)
Coordinator: Prof. Luca Iuliano (DIGEP)
Vice Coordinator: Prof. Paolo Fino (DISAT)
Language: EnglishNumber of participants: 17
Time schedule: From May 2020 to May 2022
New time schedule from November 2020 to November 2022
Partner Companies:
ECTS (European credit transfer system): 72 CFU
Period: 2 years
Campus: Politecnico - Mondovì
The application period is open from March to September, but during the entire application period the partner companies can contact the applicants who satisfy both the compulsory requirements and the corporate selection criteria.