Following the selection process carried out by the partner companies, please find below the list of candidates, listed by the user id received by apply@polito, that are admitted to the II level specializing master in Manufacturing 4.0:
EGEA Produzione e Teleriscaldamento S.r.l.:
Michelin Italiana S.p.a. :
F377034 Industrial engineering specialist
F399593 IT Site specialist
F400166 Maintenance methods specialist
F400480 Quality process control specialist
F401648 Quality process control specialist
F401706 Production business unit leader
F402413 IT Site specialist
F402438 Energy Specialist
F402530 Maintenance methods specialist
MTM Gas Equipment S.r.l. :
EPF Elettrotecnica S.r.l. :
TOSA S.p.a :
In case one or more candidates should not confirm their participation, the following companies, in line with the ranking, will re-assigned the position. Candidates placed on the reserve list will be contacted only in case of renunciation of admitted candidates and they will be given a deadline to confirm their participation.
Reserve list Michelin Italiana S.p.a. :
F2265507 IT Site specialist
F280002 Production business unit leader
F397592 Energy Specialist
F401707 Quality process control specialist
Reserve list MTM Gas Equipment S.r.l.:
F371268 First reserve
F222414 Second reserve
F304935 Third reserve
F396137 Fourth reserve
F392903 Fifth reserve
Reserve list TOSA S.p.a.:
Further information about confirmation and enrollment requirements will be sent by e-mail to all admitted candidates.
Politecnico di Torino presented a funding request in the framework of the regional call for proposals aimed at funding training options for apprenticeships (Avviso Pubblico per la realizzazione dei percorsi formativi per: Laurea triennale e magistrale, Diploma Accademico di I e II livello, Master di I e II livello, Dottorato di Ricerca e Diploma Accademico di Formazione alla Ricerca, Attività di Ricerca - in attuazione della D.G.R. n. 37-3617 del 11/07/2016).