The Office of Specializing Master’s programme and Lifelong Learning will examine the applications received within the deadline and check if they meet theadmission requirements. Only non-Italian university degrees will be evaluated by a specific board chaired by the Programme Coordinator of the 2nd Level Specializing Master’s programme in Manufacturing 4.0.
In their selection process, partner companies will only evaluate applications previously examined by the Office of Specializing Master's Programmes and meeting theadmission requirements. Only applications meeting the admission requirements and complete with mandatory documents will be forwarded to partner companies for their own selection process.
Partner companies will keep on evaluating applications for the entire application period, reserving themselves the right to contact only the candidates meeting their internal selection criteria.Selected candidates will be hired by partner companies within the meaning of ex-art. 45 of D. Lgs 81/2015.
The first step of the partner companies selection process consist of a pre-screening of the eligible applications examined by the Office of Specializing Master's Programmes. At the end of the partner companies selection process, Politecnico will publish the list of candidates admitted to the programme together with a reserve list on the online University Bulletin and on the “Selection outcomes” section of the programme website.
Candidates who have not obtained their Master of Science degree yet, are provisionally accepted.
Failure to obtain the degree within the enrolment deadline of the Additive Manufacturing Specializing Master's Programme, will lead to exclusion from the programme.